A Shower Experience Page 1


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Giselle has just gotten up and made her bed. She is sitting on the end of her bed wondering what to wear today. She remembered that there was a new outfit in the closet that was called the boardwalk trend. Shorts, sandals and a tank top. That should do, she thought to herself. She went to her closet and found the outfit then got dressed. Now she had planned to go to the new yoga studio but when she called there yesterday, they said it wasn't ready yet but the shower and lavortory was opened for free right now is can be used by anyone until the studio is finished.

I wonder what the shower is like, she thought. I could have my shower there and maybe meet some new people. The guy on the phone said it was open to everyone so maybe girls and guys can use it together. This got her very interested in going with the hope of being naked with a bunch of people. She made her decission and left to go to the free pubic shower.

When Giselle got to the new yoga studio there was just one guy there on the phone. One moment please he said to her then finished up his conversation on the phone. So dear, how can I help you? he asked. I heard that there was a free shower here, said Giselle. Well yes there is, he said. You are an early bird I see. You are the first one to come in. Now you do realize that it is unisex and that means guys could go in there too. Ya that is okay, said Giselle. I am not shy. Okay good he said. Just walk through the studio and go through those double doors and do as you wish. There are lots of mirrors so you can do up your or put on makeup after you shower. Okay said Giselle and headed towards the double doors. Once inside she was very impressed at how big it was with a big shower area and lots of sinks and toilet stalls. She stopped in front of a big mirror and looked at herself. This may be a fun place if anyone else shows up, she thought to herself.


She moved over to the center sink and checked her hair. Well I don't have to put it up seeing it is in a braid. That should be good enough. So I guess I should get ready to have my shower. She was about to take off her tank top when she heard the door open. She looked over and saw a good looking boy walking towards her.

Hello, my nane is Jayden. Are you here for the free shower? Yes I am, said Giselle. Good, I thought I would be here alone like yesterday morning, said Jayden. Most people don't show up until later on. I like to shower in the morning though. Ya me too, said Giselle. I only have a bath tub at home but I like to shower sometimes. Ya same with me, said Jayden, so what is your name? Giselle, nice to meet you, said Giselle. Nice pretty name, said Jayden. So you put your clothes over there on the table at the end of the west wall. Then he took off his clothes and sandals put them on the table.

Jayden walked back and started looking in the mirror. Looks like I am going to need another hair cut soon, said Jayden. So are you getting undressed or are you showering with your clothes on. No, I was just admiring the view, said Giselle. Jayden smiled. Well we have to shower before anything else. Giselle went to the table and took her clothes and sandals off. She wondered what he meant by saying "shower before anything else".

Giselle came back to the sinks and said, "There is that better?" Jayden turned to her and said ya much better. You are definately a hottie Giselle! Thankyou and you are quite the looker too. You must work out a lot. Not really, said Jayden. I am a life guard and swim a lot. You are one of those life guards at the beaches? asked Giselle. That must be quite the job with all those people around naked and having sex. I guess but I can't get involved with them. Can't really save someone from drowning if I am screwing someone. Ya I get that, said Giselle. Now she knew why this very cute guy had no problem getting naked so fast and not a bit shy at all. Okay lets go shower, said Jayden.

They both turned on the water and adjusted the knob until it got to the right temperture. Okay, time to get wet, said Jayden. He put some soap on his hand and started rubbing it all over the front of him. Giselle did the same and rubbed the soap everywhere making sure to rub it into her tits and pubic hair. Jayden kept checking Giselle out as they showered very close to each other. Giselle do you think you could was my back? I will wash yours, said Jayden. Sure can Jayden, said Giselle. That is one of the good things about showering together.

Jayden turned his back to Giselle then she came over to him. She put some soap on her hands and started to wash his back. I love getting my back washed and scratched, said Jayden. One place where my hands can't reach. Same with me, said Giselle. A shower brush works but it always feels better when someone else does it for you. Giselle couldn't tell but Jayden's dick was slowly begining to rise. While the two of them had their backs turned to the door, someone else entered the room and stripped off all their cloths to have a shower too.

Okay let me wash your back, said Jayden. Alright, said Giselle. Giselle backed up under her shower then they both turned around and Jayden started washing her back. I thought it was you. I saw the nice long braid and red hair. Nyu? Your here to have a shower too? asked Giselle. Well I suppse so but mostly I come for the group sex, said Nyu. You come here to have sex! said Giselle. Ya and that cute guy washing your back is going to be poking you in the butt pretty soon, said Nyu. Really? Giselle trwisted around enough to see that Jayden had a pretty big boner starting to happen. Sorry I couldn't help it, said Jayden. You are just so dam hot. Oh ya, Geselle is super hot, said Nyu.



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