Black Is Beautiful Page 1


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Zahara is part black and part white. How much of each she dosn't know and she doesn't care. She looks black for the most part and considers black to be beautiful. Now Granada has only ten percent of it's population that is black so Zahara had problems finding a guy with the same colour of skin as hers. She has dated a few white guys and they seemed nice and all but for some reason she wasn't that attracted to them. She tried online dating and came up empty there. Just too young or too old guys texted her. One day while she was in the grociery store she bumped into a guy that was grabbing for the same head of lettus as she was. He said sorry and told her to go ahead and take it. She saw that he was black also like her and had a very cute face. She smiled at him and said thankyou then continued shopping. Once again they met in the meat department. He said hi again and  asked if she was following him. Zahara smiled and said no we just need the same things it seems. He smiled and said he was just joking and told her his name was Curtis. Zahara told him her name and they both got the meat they needed then went shopping together. Zahara found out that he was very new to Granada and knew very few people. He got granted citizenship because he was a carpenter. Zahara was born in Granada but knew it was hard to become a citizen here. Once they both finished shopping they made a date to have dinner later on that day. When Zahara got home she was very happy that she may of found someone that she could spend quality time with. They went on their dinner date and all went perfect. He was a perfect gentleman and paid for dinner. He complimented how pretty she was through out most of the date. The two of them have been dating now for almost two weeks going to fancy restaurants, bowling allies and movies. Not once did he make a move to touch her in a sexual way. Today Curtis called her up and asked if she wanted to go somewhere different today but not a dinner date. More like a picnic without the food. She asked him where he had in mind. He told her about a wonder spot he found when repairing a couples porch on their cottage. It had an amazing waterfall surrounded by trees and plants that looked tropical. Zahara didn't know there was such a place in Granada so she immediately said yes. She was happy that she didn't have to get all dressed up this time for a picnic that Curtis promissed to bring a bottle of champagne to. He was taking care of everything and told her to just be ready by noon. He picked her up and they drove off to the waterfall location. They found a nice place to lay down the blanket and Zahara helped him spread it out.


So there it is, said Curtis. Looks like a tropical paradise. Wow, said Zahara. It is beautiful. I didn't know such a place exsisted here in Granada. The couple that owns the cottage I was working on said that the waterfall and small lake has always been here but the trees and plants were imported in by the agriculture society a few years ago. It is a protected enviroment and people can only swim in the lake but must stay off the land. I suppose that is why it is not advertised, said Zahara. Too many people here would ruin it in no time. So lets kick off our sandals and sit down and I will pour us some champagne, said Curtis.

Curtis opened the bottle of champagne and filled up two glasses then handed one to Zahara. You know this is our two week aniversity since we met in the grociery store, said Curtis. Yes I know, said Zahara. It has been a great two weeks also. Here we are sitting in front of a tropical paradise, sipping on champagne. Are you trying to seduce me? Not really seduce but maybe impress you enough to have some fun, said Curtis. Oh you have already impressed me, said Zahara. Right from the first date. Lets drink our champagne and talk some and we will see what happens after that.


They sat and talked while sipping on their champagne and soon Zahara was begining to feel the effects of the drink. This is what she was hoping seeing she really wanted to have some fun with Curtis that was still being very gentleman like. They both were done drinking and put the glasses down then Zahara got up on her knees and grabbed her breasts. So what do you think of these? asked Zahara. They are not too small for you are they? Curtis smiled and said they are very nice and far from being too small. Cool, so do you want to see them. We are alone here so why not have some fun. Okay said Curtis that was catching a buzz too. If you take off your top I will take of my shirt.


Zahara took off her top first then Curtis took off his shirt. Those are perfect breasts, said Curtis. Ya I think so, said Zahara. Not too big and not too small. She grabbed both tits and used her thumbs to make her nipples a bit harder. So do you want to feel them, asked Zahara. They are nice and soft. You bet, said Curtis. Zahara got nice and close to Curtis between his legs and he reached out and held both tits in his hands. The nicest tits I have ever seem and really nice nipples too!


Yep they are nice nipples, said Zahara. They look happy to see you. Go ahead and have some fun with them. I love having my nipples licked and sucked on. It gets me feeling hot all over. Curtis bent down and started licking and sucking on Zahara's left nipple then moved over to the right one. Oh ya, keep going, said Zahara. I am heating up fast. We are going to have to get rid of these shorts we are wearing real soon! 

Zahara stood up and undid her belt. I have a very nice butt too you know. I always wore dresses and skirts on our dates so this is the first time you have been able to see it in shorts. She turned around and showed Curtis her ass with her shorts still on. See not bad for a twenty six year old girl, said Zahara. You are beautiful from head to toe, said Curtis. Your butt is the perfect mid point. Here have a better look, said Zahara and she let her shorts drop to her feet and bent over giving Curtis a very good and close up look at her ass in just a pair of very small and sexy panties. My god it is gorgeous, said Curtis. Completely flawless.


Zahara bent down and grabbed her shorts then handed them to Curtis. Can you be a gem and put these in your bag to keep them clean for me please? You bet, said Curtis. He put them in the bag and then squatted in front of Zahara. She then struck a nice pose with her legs open some and Curtis could see that the panties she was wearing had a slit down the middle that exposed her pussy lips some. Do you like my panties? asked Zahara. They are special to allow easy access to my pussy. You do want access to it don't you? Curtis was speachless at first and could feel his penis getting hard in his shorts. Yes I definately want to play now, said Curtis. Well then take off your shorts for me and let me see what I have to play with, said Zahara.


Curtis quickly stood up tand took off his shorts and put them in the bag then stood in front of Zahara with a pretty good boner going on. Oh my, said Zahara. I definately can have fun with that. Zahara took hold of his penis and gave it a couple strokes that made it even bigger and harder. Do what ever you want Zahara. It is all yours to play with. Oh I plan on it, said Zahara.


Zahara got on her knees and grabbed Curtis's penis with her left hand and started jerking it. Wow look how big and hard it is now, said Zahara. I haven't see a penis like this since I was in high school. So you were sexually active in high school? asked Curtis. Oh yes, Granada schools are known for that, said Zahara. At least the one I went to.



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