Faith Meets Sparkle Page 1


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It has been a couple more weeks since Faith bought her open concept cottage. She answered all the letters she got from companies that wanted to sponcer her or have her promote their products. She did as Kimmy asked and got a hold of Jenny first and was happy to hear that she was going to sponcer her and already sent her a check to get things rolling and set up a photo shoot with Kimmy. Faith was going to the cottage every weekend and was doing a few new things every day but mostly she was working outside making more nice gardens. She was inside taking a break when she got a phone call from Starlight. She told her that Sparkle was going to be at her father's cottage this weekend and wanted to know if it was alright if she came over to meet you. Starlight had a photo shoot to do today so she couldn't come down to her cottage this weekend but Sparkle is a big fan of tennis and would love to see you in person. Faith said sure why not, I am just working on my gardens. I could use the company. Starlight figured Sparkle would be going to beach. That is the main reason she goes to the cottage. Faith had never gone to the beach yet and wondered if she should go with her. So how old is Sparkle again asked Faith? Starlight said she is nineteen but very mature for her age and a wild cat when it came to sex. Okay, tell her it is okay for her to visit, said Faith then she hung up. In about half an hour, Faith was about to go back outside when a knock came at the door. She opened the door and there stood a very pretty and slender blonde girl dressed in a red bikini and holding a bag. Oh my god, it really is you. I am a huge fan of yours. Can I get your autograph? You must be Sparkle, said Faith. Yep that is me, said Sparkle. Okay come on in then. Starlight told me you were coming over. Sparkle came in an took an autograph book and a pen out of her bag and handed it to Faith. Faith didn't know much about Sparkle yet so she just said' "To the very pretty Sparkle", then signed her name. She handed it back to Sparkle and she put it back in her bag. Well it looks like you are headed out to the beach, said Faith. Yep, got to work on my tan, said Sparkle. I am looking a bit pale lately. So what are you doing? Just working outside in my gardens, said Faith. Well that is fun I guess but why not go to the beach with me, said Sparkle. We can work on our tan together and what every else comes around. I don't know, said Faith. You will probably meet a nice guy there and I would be in the way. Nope no guys for me, said Sparkle. Don't want to get pregnant. We can hang out to together though. I bet a lot of people will want to meet you and get your autograph too. Really, you think I am that popular? asked Faith. You bet, said Sparkle. You are the biggest celebrity that we have in Granada. People all over North America love you. Well in that case I should come and see if what you are saying is true. Let me get changed first. What do you have in your bag? Oh just a blanket and my book, said Sparkle. Well I have a bottle wine if you like to drink wine, said Faith. Oh I love wine, said Sparkle. I usually bring my own but I spent all my allowance for this month. Faith smiled and went to get changed.

Faith went and got changed then went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine out of the fridge and two glasses then came back and handed them to Sparkle to put in her bag. Holy crap Faith, you are hot! said Sparkle. I knew you were pretty and all from seeing you on TV. Didn't know your hair was so long at the back either. Looks shorter in a ponytail. Well I did trim the front hair some. It was too long and got in the way a lot, said Faith. So let me put on my sandals and we can go. Okay, said Sparkle then grabbed her bag and they headed out while she was singing, "I am off to the beach with the famous Faith to tease the shit out of all the guys". Faith laughed at her singing. You really plan on having fun, don't you. Yep, all the guys know I am out of bounds to them but I can be a real tease. Girls on the other hand is a whole different story, said Sparkle. Faith was thinking to herself that this was going to be one very interesting day at the beach.

They made it to the beach and Faith saw that her cottage was a lot closer to it than she thought. They walked along until they got to a spot that Sparkle said was a perfect spot. This spot is close enough to the water but not too close where most the people hang out. It will be more private for us. Did you notice that people we passed were looking at you. Ya I did notice that but I figured they were just looking at two pretty girls, said Faith. Starlight giggled. You really don't get it yet do you, said Sparkle. Get what? asked Faith. You are flippin famous girl, said Sparkle. They rarely see anyone famous here especially such a hot famous person to boot. Now here is the plan. We need a plan? asked Faith. You bet, said Sparkle. If we plan on relaxing and enjoying that wine with out being disturbed all the time then we definately need a plan.

Okay, tell me your plan then, said Faith. Now stand up first like me, said Sparkle. They both stood up. Now I know some of the people here so I will go walk around a bit and if they ask I will tell them who you are. Once a few of them know they will spread the word and then the rest will be up to you when they start coming over to meet you. So you really think that they will come over here to me while they are laying on their blankets half naked. Yep, positive, said Sparkle. Enjoy all the nice boobies. Just stay off the balnket so they all don't get sand all over it. Then Sparkle walked off on her mission.

Faith watched Sparkle go off and start talking to a few people closer to the lake. She talked to just a handful of people then started on her way back. In a few moments people were getting up off their blankets and following Sparkle. Faith quickly got off the blanket and Sparkle waved to her. Faith waved back and the bunch of people behind her all waved too. Soon there was a crowd of people around Faith all smiling and saying how much they loved her and what she is doing for Granada. Some asked for her autograph while others just wanted to shake hands or hug her. One girl didn't have any paper but got Faith to autograph her boob. They asked her if she was going to play for the world cup in tennis and if she planned on playing any games in Granada. Told you Faith. You are a very famous girl, said Sparkle. She is very pretty too, said one woman. In a bit they all left and Sparkle took out the wine bottle and glasses and put them on the blanket for Faith. Faith opened the bottle then poured the wine but Sparkle was taking off her bikini and put it in the bag. Faith stood up looking a bit shocked. You are naked, said Faith. Ya, what did you expext on a nude beach, said Sparkle. I don't want any tan lines. What about you, are you shy or something. It is okay if you are. No I am not shy, said Faith, you just took me by surprise. Well then loose the bikini and lets relax and drink some wine, said Sparkle.


Faith took off her bikini and put it in the bag with the wine bottle.They both sat down and grabbed a glass and took a sip. Good stuff, said Sparkle. You have excellent taste. Yep I like my wine, said Faith. So what did you tell those people to get them to come over here? asked Faith. Not much, I just asked them if they knew who Faith Fairweather and told them you are my friend and standing over there, said Sparkle. Some asked if it was okay to come meet you and some just got up and came over. When you are famous that makes you a pubic figure and people expect you to meet and talk to them. So will they come looking for me at the cottage? asked Faith. Nope not in Granada, said Sparkle. People here respect privacy plus they don't want to annoy you to the point of you moving away from Granada. You get to pick your own friends and invite who you want. That is why I asked Starlight to see if I could meet you before coming over. Well you are welcome any time, said Faith. Thanks but I will still call first, said Sparkle.


 Faith and Sparkle were sitting and sipping on their wine talking about tennis mostly. Faith told Sparkle that Kimmy and Jenny had plans in the works to build her a tennis court around the back of her cottage so she had somewhere to practice. That would be so cool, said Sparkle. I love playing but I am nowhere close to being as good as you. Who would you pratice with? I don't know of anyone that can play good enough to give you any competition. Hmm, I never thought of that. There must be someone that is good enough to play and at least return the ball to me. Probably but what good is that, said Sparkle. I could do that but what you need is a person that can return some of those tricky shots you do. While they were talking a pretty red haired girl walked by slowly and seemed to be listening to them as she passed. Wow did you see that super hot redhead, said Sparkle. She has amazing legs like you. Ya, it seemed like she was listening to us as we were talking about tennis. Well maybe she will come back and I will try and talk her in to joining us. Faith smiled. You are always looking for someone to play with I bet, said Faith. Well ya but that girl was more than just someone, said Sparkle. She was gorgeous. Well maybe she will come back she is still walking very slowly away from us, said Faith.

Anyways, have you ever played in one of Granada's tournaments? asked Sparkle. No I just used to play with friends as I was growing up. One of my friends entered me into the state competition without me knowing about it and I got really mad at her at first. When I found out it cost her five hundred dollars to enter me I told her she was nuts. Well she must of figured you would be good enough to play against better players, said Sparkle. Well she said I was the best and fastest she had ever seen and when she said the money was not refundable I felt obligated to go. So what happened, did you win? asked Sparkle. Well she came with me as my coach just to make it look like I was professional and yes I won every match. That was the first trophy I won. I gave her half the prize money that was half of five thousand dollars. The media started buzzing around me and before I knew it I was in the newspapers everywhere and even Sports Illustrated had an article and pictures of me in it. Wow that is some story, said Sparkle. Hey look that girl is headed back here, said Faith. Oh good, said Sparkle. Now let me do the talking. The girl stopped and looked right at Faith. You are Faith Fairweather arn't you? she asked. Faith could see her face better now and she did look very familar. Well yes I am Faith Fairweather. How can I help you. You probably don't remember me but we have played tennis together, said the redhead. You do look very familar, said Faith. Ya, it's the hair she said. Not in a ponytail and longer now, plus I used to wear a cap. My name is Filia Anderson a pro tennis player. My god you are the best player I have ever played against.


Faith put down her glass and stood up. Yes I remember you now, said Faith. You have that wicked overhead smash that is hard to return. Yep and you are the only one that can return it almost every time, said Filia. Ya but I have to move fast, said Faith. So I didn't know you lived in Granada. I don't, at least not yet, said Filia. I am on a guest pass while my application gets approved. I heard you lived here and had to find you but you are one hard person to find. Well I did just recently buy a cottage so it is probably not listed yet, said Faith. Why are you looking for me? Well I have a request to ask you that I think would benifit both of us, said Filia. Sparkle put down her drink and got on her knees in order to listen closely. Be careful Faith. People will be approching you trying to make money off your talents, said Sparkle. Filia looked at Sparkle. Your friend is correct. People come to me all the time with get rich quick ideas that mostly benefit them. I am not one of those people though, said Filia. Can I sit with you two and we can talk. Only is you get nude like us, said Sparkle. Sparkle, don't be rude, said Faith. Oh I don't mind. I heard about these beaches and I see everyone is pretty much nude so why not join the crowd, said Filia.


Filia took off her swim suit and Sparkle said she would put it in her bag for her. Thankyou dear, my you are a cutie. What is your name may I ask? Sparkle like when the light hits a diamond, said Sparkle with a smile. Yes that is a unique name, said Filia. So have you two known each other long? Nope, just met today, said Sparkle. I have a cottage not far from her's and I came over to meet Faith. I am a big tennis fan. So do you remember me now? asked Filia. Ya now I do. I haven't seen you play against Faith though but you tend to win a lot too. Yep, I am ranked fifth in north America and fifteenth in the world. Wow, that is impressive, said Sparkle. Well not as impressive as Faith here. She is number one in North America and even though she hasn't played in the world competition yet she automaticly starts at rank fifty out of the top one hundred. Really, they ranked me as fifty even though I haven't played yet? asked Faith. Ya it has to do with points that you have earned in all your games. You are the only one that has never lost a game and have moved up the ranks faster than anyone in history, said Filia. See told you, you are famous, said Starlight. Well not as famous as she will be when she wins the world championship, said Filia.




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