Hot Tub Heat Page 1


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Hellen and Aubree have been best freinds since they were toddlers. They are both eighteen years old with similar personalities. They both like heavy metal and punk music, they like to dress differently than others and are know as the school's rich bitches. Now even though they can be bitchy to people especially those they don't like, they do have a fairly big circle of friends. You see the two of them are not really bitches at all and can be very caring and giving to people. At school however things are different seeing that some students think they are better than others because of their skills, grades or status in the community. So Aubree and Hellen figured out a way to weed out the snobs and bring the people they like into their circle of friends that is almost magical. They can turn on the charm that is hard to resist and if they get the reaction they are looking for then you are in. But if they see that you are more into yourself than anything else then you are out. Now that is enough background about these two young girls so lets move on to where the story begins....School just let out and Audree is with Hellen in the yard talking to each other about the new hot tub Aubree's parents just bought. So when are we going to test out the new hot tub? asked Hellen. In about one hour my parents will be off to Niagara Falls for a three day stay so we will have the place to ourselves, said Aubree. Excellent, said Hellen. Never been in a hot tub before. So why didn't they take you to the falls with them. I heard it is spectacular. Well it is sort of a second honey moon so , well you get it, said Aubree. Ya I do. Hey look over there, do you see that chick with the black hair staring at us? asked Hellen. Ya, what the fuck is her problem, said Aubree. Shit she is coming over here. Put on the bitch aditude until we find out what she wants, said Hellen.

Hello, would you happen to be Hellen? asked Phoebe. Ya, what's it to you, said Hellen. Just asking, said Phoebe. Man what kind of aditude is that? The kind that we like, said Aubree. What are you some kind of cop? No I am not a cop, said Phoebe. I am a senior here at Parsons. Big deal, said Hellen. Does that make you better than us? No, it just means that I am a bit older than you and deserve some respect, said Phoebe. The only respect you will get from us is when we kick your ass out of here, said Hellen. Phoebe was now getting mad. You two listen to me and listen closely. Do not ever talk to me like that again. With that type of aditude you shouldn't even be going to this school. Man you are nothing like your brother said you were like. Oh shit. You know my brother? asked Hellen. Yes and your father and mother. Um I think we are in trouble now, said Aubree to Hellen. Are you my brother's friend? asked Hellen politely now. Yes you could say we are very good friends and he told me to look you up when I saw you at school, said Phoebe. Crap, it back fired this time Aubree, said Hellen.

What back fired? asked Phoebe. Um our act to see if you were cool or not, said Hellen. I don't get it. You mean this aditude thing was all an act? asked Phoebe. Ya, it is how us two get friends, like real good ones, said Aubree. I still don't understand, said Phoebe. How can acting like bad ass bitches make you friends? Well it is a test, said Hellen. It all depends on the reaction of the person. If they fight back and start getting bitchy with us and calling us names like stupid rich bitches or scum then we brush them off. But if they act sad and say sorry and go to walk away then we change the bad aditude into a very good and friendly one and tell them that we just wanted to see if they were truely wanting to be friends or just wanted to take advantage of us being rich. That seems like a very odd way to make friends, said Phoebe. Can't you just sense if they are being honest? asked Phoebe. Are you kidding. The students here are very smart, said Aubree. Probably the best liars on the planet. Look at us two. A lot of people think we are not that bright and just bad ass misfits but in truth we are kind generous intellegent girls. We even run fund drives for familes that have children that have disabilities.


Okay I get that, said Phoebe. I would never of guessed that you two were that nice and kind when I first met you. So how do you act when you find someone you like? Oh we don't have to act then, said Hellen. We just start being ourselves. And what does being yourselves look like? asked Phoebe. Hellen smiled at Aubree. Let us show you, said Hellen. You are very pretty and a very cute red dress you are wearing. Love the sandals too. Aubree walked over to the right side of Phoebe and started touching her shoulder with the tip of her finger while she stroked Phoebe's hair with the other hand. Very beautiful jet black hair you have and so soft. Hellen lightly took hold of Phoebe's left hand and started running circles with the tip of her index finger on the palm of her hand. No wonder my brother likes you, said Hellen. You got nice breasts, perfect shapely legs and even your toes are pretty. Phoebe's heart started to beat a bit faster. Okay, okay I see now. You two are very good with the charm and suduction thing, said Phoebe. 

Is that what you call it? asked Hellen. That is just us trying to make a new friend. It usually works and you know what friends do together. Yep I sure do, said Phoebe. Well I can't do the nasty bitch thing. People know I am not that way. I have no problem making friends with girls but guys all consider me too rich for them and stay away from me. Oh I can fix that for you, said Hellen. Really how? asked Phoebe. Do you see that group of boys over there talking, said Hellen. Ya they are all seniors though and know me already, said Phoebe. You know the older boys too? Oh age means nothing to us, said Aubree. If we like then we get. Let me talk to them for a minute for you, said Hellen and she walked over to where the guys were talking. In about two minutes she came back. Okay you are all set, said Hellen. What do you mean I am all set, said Phoebe. Well look at them, said Hellen. Phoebe looked and the boys were waving at her and wanting her to come over. Wow, what did you say to them? asked Phoebe. Just the truth that you are my very good friend and good friend of my brother plus you thought they were all very good looking plus were interested in dating. That is all it took? asked Phoebe. Yep the truth can go a long way plus a friend of mine will be a friend of theirs, said Hellen. Isn't she amazing, said Aubree. Yes, almost magical, said Phoebe. They both smiled. Well get over there and make some new friends, said Hellen. They are waiting for you. Ya I think I will. Thankyou girls then Phoebe walked over to the group of guys.

She looks happy now, said Aubree. Much better than when she was giving us shit. Hellen smiled. Ya I am glad she told us she was Jayden's friend or he would of given me an earful. She is very beautiful though, said Aubree. Nice ass on her and I love her toes. They look yummy. You and the toes again, said Hellen. I have never known anyone that had such a fixation on a girl's toes. Ya but you like toes too, said Aubree. Ya I know, said Hellen. I have yellow polish on today. Yummy, very lemon like! said Aubree.

So you ready to check out the hot tub? asked Aubree. You bet, said Hellen. Good my parrents should of left for the airport by now, said Aubree. I have a bunch of bathing suits we can try on. All sexy I hope, said Hellen. Oh ya, said Aubree, Very very sexy! The two of then held hands and started running together to Aubree's home.

They got to Aubree's house and went directly to her bedroom. Okay you pick a bathing suit out first, said Aubree. They are in the bottom right hand drawer. Hellen looked through them and found a tiny blue string bikini. I like this one, said Hellen. Okay put it on, said Aubree. Hellen got undressed then put on the bikini. What do you think? asked Hellen. Perfect, said Audree. Looks very sexy on you. Okay you find one now, said Hellen.

Aubree looked through the drawer and found a nice grey string bikini with sparkles. She got undressed and put it on. I forgot I had This one, said Aubree. How does it look on me? Like your a bikini superstar, said Hellen. Ha ha, very funny, said Aubree. Okay we are all set. Lets go outside in the back yard and have a look at the hot tub.

Well there it is, said Aubree. Wow, it is really big, said Hellen. So is the water hot already? I don't think so, said Aubree. Got to check but I think it is electrically heated. Okay so lets go see, said Hellen. We can always dangle our feet in the water until it gets hot.

They both went up the steps on either side of the hot tub then Hellen put her hand in the water to test it. Well it is a little bit warm but not very hot, she said. So it must be off. That makes sense seeing my parrents won't be using until they get back, said Aubree. Just got to find the switch. Check the back, said Hellen. Good idea, said Aubree. Yep here it is and a temperture control too. So how hot should I set it for? Not too hot, said Hellen. Around ninety five degrees should be good enough.Okay, there all set, said Aubree. Now we wait a bit. 



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