Naked Workout Page 2


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Yoshi couldn't refuse the invitation to explore Kanade's pussy so she used the fingers on her right hand to spread open the pussy lips exposing the moist inner pink of Kanade's pussy. She used a finger to rub her cervix a bit and also teased her uretha and clit that was still hidden under the hood. So do you like my pussy? asked Kanade. Simply perfect, said Yoshi. Nice and moist to. Yep, naked yoga alway gets me wet, said Kanade. This should get you even wetter, said Yoshi as she stuck two fingers in Kanade's pussy and started moving them around. Yep that will do it, said Kanade.

Kanada brought her legs down and sat facing Yoshi. See yoga can give easy access to a girl's pussy. I like doing naked yoga with girls the best. Yes, I noticed that, said Yoshi. We can make the shape of a heart with our bodies too, said Kanade. I did it in yoga class with another girl but we were not naked. A naked heart would look better. Can we do that? Ya sure, sounds interesting, said Yoshi. Just show me how it is done. Okay we stand up facing away from each other with our bums almost touching. Okay that is simple enough, said Yoshi. Now we grab hands and lean forward while arching our backs until a perfect heart shape is formed with our body legs and arms. They both leaned and arched their back until they formed a heart with their bodies and arms. There that should be a nice heart, said Kanade. There used to be a big mirror in here on that far wall but it got broken somehow. I hope they get a new one. Yoshi heard someone come in and looked to see a pretty girl standing there looking at them with a smile. Naked yoga, awesome, she said. And a perfect body heart. Can I join you two? 

Oh hi Quinn, so you like the heart we made? asked Kanade. Yep and looks even better naked, said Quinn. So can I join in, I love naked yoga, it is the best. Sure take off that leotard and put it by our stuff and join us on the mat, said Kanade. As long as it is okay with my friend Yoshi. Sure why not, said Yoshi. Seems like you two know each other. Yep she goes to yoga class too and also is on the dance team at Parsons, said Kanade. She is an amazing dancer! Quinn took off her black leotard then came back and sat with them on the mat.

So who is your new friend? asked Quinn. She is really cute and ya got to love the red hair. Kanade smiled. This is Yoshi and she is fairly new at our school. She is really smart and we met in science class as partners doing experiments. Ya so smart and a hot body, said Quinn. I would love to experiment with her. So Yoshi, how do you like being at our school? I like it a lot, said Yoshi. Everyone is very friendly and don't treat me like a smarty pants like at my old school. Ya Parson's is the best school anywhere, said Quinn. Parson girls are very friendly with each other and don't care about how smart someone is. We all stick together and take good care of each other. Ya I have noticed that, said Yoshi. Easiest place I have ever been able to make friends. Ya and have sex with too, said Quinn. So how many girls have you been with so far? Not that many just Daisy, Merida and Nyu so far. Ya Merida is a given, that girl gets around and Daisy is hot to trot too, said Quinn. Nyu is younger but always horny it seems so a good start. What about you two? We were working on it before you came in, said Kanade. Well then don't let me get in the way of progress. Let me do some yoga warm ups then lets get this show on the road. You two can watch. Do some dance steps for Yoshi to see also. You are the hottest dancer around, said Kanade. Okay, said Quinn yoga first then a bit of dance then we all play!


Quinn stood up and they made some room on the mat for her. Quinn brought a leg up from behind and grabbed her foot with her hands. She made sure that Yoshi had a good view of her ass. She then switch legs and did the same thing. There that was good for a starter. One more yoga stretch then a little bit of dirty dancing. Dirty dancing? asked Yoshi. Oh ya, she is and amazing dirty dancer, said Kanade. The dance team wins every year because of dirty dancing.

Quinn turned around with her legs spread making sure Yoshi could see her ass and pussy again. She leaned forward and spread out her arms. I call this pose the dirty duck, said Quinn. Guys like to screw me from behind while holding onto my arms. Very good for deep penetration. Your very flexible too, said Yoshi. Ya but Kanade is way better than me. She has been doing yoga for a long time, said Quinn. That girl can touch her head with both feet backwards. Ya and lick her toes too, said Yoshi. Really! Now that is a tallent for sure, said Quinn.


Okay now a bit of dancing for Yoshi so she can see why we win all the time. You sing a fast song Kanade, your a good singer. Kanade can sing? asked Yoshi. Oh ya she is awesome. She has the voice of a rocker. Sounds a lot like one of the Heart singers. Okay ready Kanade, start singing. Kanade started to sing a fast rock song then Quinn started to dance moving fast and turning back and forth to Yoshi and Kanada but mostly focusing on Yoshi. Yoshi was amazed at how good Quinn was and never missed a beat even though there was no music just Kanade's very sexy and loud singing. Stand up Yoshi and I will show you what dirty dancing is all about, said Quinn as she kept on dancing.


 Yoshi stood up and started to dance a bit with Quinn even though she couldn't keep up with her so she just did a bit of classical dancing that she knew. When Yoshi extended her right leg while dancing, Quinn trapped it between her legs and pushed down on it with her groin. Now this is dirty dancing, said Quinn. She started grinding her pussy along the top of Yoshi's thigh, back and forth to the singing while moving her arms all in beat to the song. Kanade got up and started dancing too while Quinn kept grinding per pussy that was starting to get Yoshi's thigh wet. Quinn leaned forward and began to twist her waist letting her nipple hit Yoshi's nipple. Oh my god, you are unbelievable, said Yoshi. I never thought dancing could be this much fun. Kanade stopped singing and they all stopped dancing. Sorry but that was the end of the song, said Kanada. So what do you think? asked Quinn. Is dirty dancing awesome or what. It is more than awesome, said Yoshi. Now I am super horny. Good because so am I, said Quinn. My pussy needs a good licking now.


Okay but first let me show Yoshi one more yoga pose that two people can do together, said Kanade. She will get the easy pose of doing the splits on the mat and I will do the inverted splits while doing a hand stand. Okay. Inverted splits are fun, said Quinn. I will watch and help Yoshi if she needs it. Okay Yoshi, I will do the hand stand first then you do the splits but get in real close so our chests are nearly touching, said Kanade. Quinn you can spot me until Yoshi is in position. Yoshi did her hand stand with her legs pointed straight up in the air then as Yoshi was getting into postition doing the splits, Quinn held Kanade's legs steady. Okay looks like Yoshi has got it, said Quinn. Quinn then went to Yoshi and whispered to her, "There is a nipple right there for you to lick". Yoshi smiled and started to lick Kanade's nipple. Kanada then did the splits with her legs. Hmm, nice exposed pussy I see, thought Quinn so she started to finger Kanade's pussy. Wow, wasn't expecting that, said Kanade. Ya I kinda do things like this when the opportunity arrives, said Quinn with a smile.


Kanade got back on her feet and Yoshi stood up. Quinn went and grabbed a big exercise ball. I have to meet Camdyn at the mall soon so I will get in a few positions on this ball then we can have a bit of fun before I have to leave, said Quinn. Okay, said Kamade. How is Camdyn doing? She is great and is as hot as ever. We need to get some new dance outfits for practicing in. Our old ones are getting torn and raggy looking. Ya you two always wear see through outfits, said Kamade. Yep, we prefere to dance naked but at school that can be a bit of a problem though we did have sex with the janitor one day. Thin a sheer is the next best thing to naked, said Quinn.



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