On Line Dating Page 1


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Ginger was surfing the internet looking for some porn to watch when she came upon a on line dating site. She looked at some of the girl head shots first and figured the faces looked good but what about their bodies. She then checked out the guys section and some of them looked pretty bad but there were quite a few that were good looking but then again what did they look like from the neck down. She scrolled down and saw a line that said when you join you can upload pictures of yourself, create a profile and even use your webcam when available. Below that line was the price of twenty nine dollars and ninety five cents for one months membership. She figured it would be fun to at least try it for a month so she ran and got her credit card then signed up. First there were a bunch of questions to answer. Your sex was the first one. She put in female. Your age. She entered twenty. Residence, Granada. Interested in meeting either male, female, other or all. Ya "all" she said to herself but wondered what other might be. Next there were questions like hobbies, education, measurements and other personal stuff. Then there was a button that said "Next" so she clicked on it. That page asked if she prefered nude or non nude pictures to view. Definately nude she said and then there was another next button that she clicked on. This page first needed a profile head shot to be uploaded. That was no problem seeing she had a bunch of pictures of herself and friends on the computer but mostly nude or semi nude plus lingerie stuff. She looked through them and found one that had a nice shot of her sitting at the bar and she was smiling so she used that one for now. She was able to crop it how she wanted it to look then she hit the upload button. Finally there was a section for uploading pictures. She figured that the lingerie images would be best for now and a few in shorts and small top, barefoot at the beach. She then clicked the finished button but it said she didn't select a region or location and the screen scrolled back up to the top where a drop down table was high lighted. She clicked on it and scrolled through all the cities but when she got to the G's there wasn't Granada listed. She figured that was because not just anyone could come and date her. They would have to be living in Granada to do that. At the bottom of the list was "none found" so she clicked on it. Then another screen loaded and it had three choices.  Exotic Cities, Non American Cities and Special Restricted Cities. The first one was mostly cities in Asian and India plus some in America like Montreal and Los Vegas. She looked breifly at the non Anerican cities but what would be the use adding any of them. The last one interested her though. Special Restricted Cities. There she found a small listing of cities and there it was Granada high lighted in bold text. She clicked on it then a pop up window appeared and said you must be a perminant resident of Granada to converse with people from this city, Yes or No. Well she did say that her residence was in Granada at the begining of the questions and that is where I live computer so yes it is. Then a blue circle started spinning that said creating your profile. In less than a minute it said Finshed then a button appeared saying click here to go to your page. Okay, lets see what it looks like, she said to herself and clicked on the link. In a moment her page appeared with her head shot at the top left corner then the images she up loaded and they were listed as public viewing. There was a section below it for private viewing but it was empty. In the bottom right corner of the page was a button that said Web Cam. Live Or Make a Movie. This was so cool she figured and wanted to get started right away making a private movie. 

Ginger was about to go to her bedroom and put on some lingerie when she heard a beep and a box appeared saying "You Have Messages". What, already she thought. She clicked on it and there were five messages. Two just said hello and lovely profile page and pictures. They were not from Granada so she just ignored them. She figured members could see the sexy lingerie images she uploaded. Another one was from a woman that said she thought I was discusting so forget her. Then there were two men. One from Canada and he seemed quite nice so she message him back with a quick but nice response. The last message was the best. It was from a guy that lived in Granada. He said that the beach pictures were the best and asked if I had more. I messaged him back and said yes, lots more. He sent another message with a picture of himself at the beach holding a glass of wine. Now she got excited because if this picture was trulely him then what a cutie and not that old either. His name is Danny and loved hanging out at the beach. Well who didn't in Granada, she thought. Then he asked if she had a webcam. She said yes then turned it on. Next the webcam window appeared and she could see him sitting at his desk with no shirt on. I waved to him but he just said hello Ginger. You look very pretty. Even better than your profile pictures. Oh so we can talk to each other too, said Ginger. Yep sure can, said Danny. So would you like me to stand up so you can see that I an not a fat guy? he asked. Sure, said Ginger hoping her was naked. The stood up and moved back a bit and said, "Do I look okay to you"? He was wearing just his breif underware and looked very sexy. Yes you look very sexy, said Ginger. Lets have a look at you, he said. Ginger smiled and was now having some fun. She stood up and moved the chair to the side then posed for him. Wow, you are gorgeous, he said. Ginger was flattered. I have a nice butt too see. She turned around and bent over some and showed him her very nice little ass in panties.

My god, a perfect ass too, said Danny. So you said that you have more pictures of you barefoot at the beach. Can you send me a few? Sure can, said Ginger. You must like feet then. I have toe socks on now. Here have a look. She sat down and put her feet up in front of the monitor's webcam. Toe socks are real cute and fun, I love them, said Ginger. Yes they are very nice, I bet you have cute toes too, said Danny.

Ya everyone says they are cute and very suckable, said Ginger. Let me take them off and see for yourself. Ginger took both socks off then pointed her feet back at the screen and spread her toes. See, I take good care of them. They are very talented too, said Ginger. You have very pretty feet and toes too, said Danny. I am so glad you joined this site. You seem very open minded about sex. Ya I have two girl friends that love to role play together. We always get into some pretty crazy things but it is all in fun, said Ginger. Ginger rested her feet on the desk and sat back. How do do you like my bra and pantie? asked Ginger. Do you like red?

Red is good, said Danny. Looks like you got nice breasts also. Ya they are not bad, said Ginger. Got really nice nipples though. I love going topless when walking on the beach. Every one looks at them when I go by them. Here have a look for yourself. Ginger undid the front of her bra and opened it up revealing a pair af very nice breasts.

They are gorgeous, said Danny. I thought you said they were not that big. I said they were okay, said Ginger. I guess they are pretty big. My nipples are the best though. Have a close look. She leaned forward very close to the webcam for Danny. They seem nice but you can't get that close to the cam because it won't be able to focus. Oh, sorry, said Ginger. I didn't know that. Well I suppose you will have to see them in person. Really, you want to go on a date already, said Danny. Sure why not. When I am at the beach I will have sex with someone I just met once we have talked some, said Ginger. We have already talked. So when and where do you want to meet? asked Danny. Today at the beach of coarse, said Ginger. You love the beach and so do I. You bring the wine and I will bring a blanket and two chairs . Okay what beach? asked Danny. Westside Beach. It is the best and not usually that crowded, said Ginger. I am going to get ready now so see you there. Ginger did up her bra then stood up. Now where did my socks go. You tossed them under the table, said Danny. Oh you are still there. How do you turn the site off? asked Ginger. Just book mark it then hit the close button. Okay thanks, said Ginger. She shut it down then reached under the desk and grabbed her toe socks and put them back on. Well this is going to be a very good day. Man I love the internet!

Ginger went and got dressed in her bikini and put a pair of shorts on over the bikini bottom. She grabbed the bag she took to the beach all the time and put the blanket in it. She figured Danny would forget to bring wine glasses so she packed two in the bag also just in case. She thought that was all she would need so she put on her flip flop sandals then went out to her car and drove to Westside Beach. When she got there she saw that as usual it was not that busy at all. Only one other couple was there though it was only ten in the morning so things could change later. She found the spot that she liked best and set up the two chairs then laid down the beach blanket. Every thing looked perfect so she took off her shorts and put them in her bag then arranged the chairs beside each other, not too far apart.

Ginger sat in her chair and kept an eye out for Danny. She didn't know what part of Granada he lived in so she had no idea how long it would take him to get here. Another thing she forgot to tell him was where on the beach she was going to be. Westside Beach was a very big beach. So she just had to sit and wait and waiting she was not that great at. Another couple walked by and stopped to say hi. They asked if she was okay and had been waiting long for who ever the other chair was for. Ginger said no, only ten minutes and she met him online so didn't know where in Granada he was coming from. The girl said that they just met online too and this was their first date also but if your date doesn't show up, she is welcomed to join them. Ginger thanked them and they continued on their way. In about ten more minutes Ginger saw a guy in the distance carring a bag. That might be him she thought. When he got closer, he waved at her and Ginger waved back.

When he made it to the blanket Ginger stood up. Danny put down the bag then extended his hand. Ginger shook hands with him and said hello. My you are even more beautiful in person, said Danny. Now I brought the wine and it is cold. I always have some wine in my fridge. I did however forget to bring glasses. I was in too much of a hurry to get here seeing Westside Beach is almost an hour's drive. Ginger smiled. No worries, I brougt two wine glasses. Oh good, I was hoping you would, said Danny. Have you been waiting long? No just twenty minutes, said Ginger. Good, then you must live close to the beach then, said Danny. Yep, just a ten minute drive, said Ginger. Okay then lets sit and I will pour us a glass of wine each, said Danny.

Ginger brought out the two glasses a held them out while Danny poured the wine in them. He put the bottle back in the bag then took one on the glases. Ginger took a sip of hers then asked Danny what he liked to do for fun. Well I like playing volley ball and tenis mostly, said Danny. Non physical games like them. Games like football and hockey I tried when I was younger but didn't like them much and the equipment was very expensive. Ya vollyball is fun and you don't meed special equipment, said Ginger. It can be played topless or nude if you want. Danny laughed. Ya nude vollyball is the best! They have tournements of nude valleyball at Eastside Beach all the time. Lots of people come to watch us play. Ya I imaginge it would attact spectators, said Ginger. So you play on a team? Yep I am the captain of our team. We are called The Falcons, said Danny. So all guys on the team? asked Ginger. No way, said Dany. I have girls and guys on my team. You have to have both sexes on a team. It is a rule. Ginger smiled. That is a very good rule!



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