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Your Starlight the super model? asked Faith. Well I don't know about the super part but yes I am her, said Starlight. I thought you looked familar your face and body is everywhere, said Faith. I must say you look better in person though. Less plastic I think. Well thankyou, said Starlight. Ya the plastic looking is what they want I guess. My photographer has instructions from Jenny and she has to follow them, said Starlight. She has taken some very nice nudes of me that look fantastic though. So let me open this champagne and lets toast to you being in the Tamtons. This is the Tamtons? asked Faith. I always thought that was a very richie place. Well it is Faith. Most of the rich and famous live here or own cottages, said Starlight. So what do you do for a living? Faith was worried that she wasn't rich or famous enough to be living in the Tamtons but answered truthfully. I am into landscaping, said Faith. Really, that is so cool, said Starlight. Someone that knows how to change the look of the land. So what is the name of your company? Oh I don't own the company, I just work there. We are a small crew of guys and one other girl that works for a big property investment company. Even better girl, said Starlight. Let the big wigs do all the paper work and worring. You get to have all the fun getting your hands dirty. So you are not disappointed that I am not rich like you? asked Faith. Are you kidding, I have a professional landscaper living beside me, said Starlight. You have to teach me how to fix my gardens. I can model that is for certain but can't grow things at all. They both laughed then Starlight poured two glasses of champagne and they toasted to Faith and her new cottage.

So show me the rest of the place, said Starlight. Especially the fireplace. I have a small one that works nicely for what I need. Okay, said Faith. It is a real nice one built into the marble divider. Even has a few logs in it. Well I don't know if you were told this but your property extends into the woods about twenty yards. There is plenty of dead wood in there, said Starlight. Even still Kimmy owns the rest of the woods and wouldn't mind you clearing out the dead wood on her property. She is my photographer and isn't much on picking up dead wood and chopping it for her fireplace. She hires guys to do that for her. So Kimmy is the award winning photographer I gather, said Faith. Yep, she is the best, said Starlight. She is the one that told me about my cottage being up for sale. So she is pretty rich too I take it, said Faith. Oh very wealthy, said Starlight. She makes a ton of money, way more than I make and does it every day almost. So lets have a look at that fireplace. They both put down their glasses and headed around to the other side of the divider.


They walked over to the fireplace and Starlight saw the big trophy on the mantle. So here is the fireplace, said Faith. Nice big one. I haven't tried it out yet though. Very impressive fireplace but not as impressive as that trophy on the mantle. What did you get that for? asked Starlight. I play tennis, said Faith. I won that one last year. I have two more trophies at home. Starlight got closer and read the plaque. Faith Fairweather, National Womans Champion 2022. Holy shit. You are Faith Fairweather? I have watched you play on TV. You are amazing and never lose. You look different in person for some reason. Faith gathered her hair up nice and tight and held it in a ponytail. There does that look like me know. I have to keep my hair back so it don't get in my face, said Faith. Yep that is you alright. Tennis superstar. I heard you are going to compete in the world championships. Yea that is in six months. Heavy duty players compete for the world cup.

This is so unexpected, said Starlight. I thought you said you were not rich or famous. I'm not, said Faith. Tennis prizes are not like golf you know. After taxes I only made one hundred and fifty thousand for the National Championship. I used most of it as a down payment for this place. Oh I thought it was a lot higher, said Sparkle. Well still, you are famous. Why, it is only tennis, said Faith. I dought very many people watch it on TV. Are you kidding. Woman's tennis is huge all over the world, said Starlight. Even more than the men's tennis. I don't get why you are not making money from promotions. Well I do have a bunch of letters at home I haven't opened yet from clothing and shoe companies, said Faith. I figured they were just trying to sell me stuff. Starlight smiled. You silly silly girl. Those are companies wanting you to promote their clothing and shoes. They will also give you a ton of free stuff including tons of money, get you to do comercials. I have to call Kimmy and tell her who our new neighbour is. She is going to freak! She loves you and has even been to some of your games. Can I borrow your cell? I left mine at home. Um sure. It is on the vanity, said Faith. Faith handed her the cell phone and Starlight called Kimmy.

 Hello, Kimmy? Ya you will never guess who our new neighbour is, said Starlight. No, not a movie star, even better. Faith Fairweather. Yep the tennis player. Ya I am here now with her. Are you coming over to...Hello. Hmm, she hung up on me or got disconnected. Maybe she isn't as big of a fan as you said she is, said Faith. Oh she is, said Starlight. Let me call her back. Just then a knock came at the door. Starlight smiled. Bet you that is her now. Let me open the door and you stand back a bit. They walked over and Starlight opened the door. Hi Starlight, where is she? asked Kimmy. Over there, said Starlight and she backed up out of the way. Oh my god, it is really you, Faith Fairweather in the flesh. I got to get your autograph, better still I need to take some pictures of you and get you to autograph them.. Slow down Kimmy she is not going anywhere, said Starlight. Yes of coause but I am just so excited to see you Faith. I go to all your games when they are in Granada and when I don't have a shoot to do. You look even more beautiful up close and in shorts but you do look very cute in your tennis outfit and sneakers. Faith started to giggle. So you really do watch me play tennis. I didn't know I had a fan. A fan, said Kimmy. Most of North America loves you, said Kimmy. I am just your biggest fan. Wow I didn't realize I became that popular. Tennis is just a hobby of mine. I work as a landscaper to pay the bills. A landscaper? Well I suppose that is a good trade but you are a tennis super star and shouldn't have to work, said Kimmy. Oh she explained to me what she made for her last championship, said Starlight. She used the money from it to help buy this place. Ya they don't reward big amounts in tennis until you get into the world circuit. It is rumoured that you are going to compete for the world cup in the fall. Ya I am thinking about it, said Faith. Don't really think I can beat the pros though. Very funny, said Kimmy. You are thest tennis player I have ever seen and you have already beaten the skirts off of some of them. Really, well I don't watch tennis on TV. I don't get the sports channel so I have no idea what the names are of the other girls. Okay, that makes sense but the world cup has a one million dollar prize and it is tax free. You win that and you are in like gold playing at Wimbledon and all the rest where the prizes are in the millions and they pay in English pounds not American dollars. By the way, how come you haven't answered any of Jenny's letters for you to come promote her sports line. She has sent a couple that I know of and she wants to be one of your sponsors.


Oh she hasn't opened the letters from possible sponsors yet, said Starlight. She thinks they are companies trying to sell her stuff. That's funny, said Kimmy. You girl are destined for greatness. Open them, pick the best ones then call them. Pick Jenny for sure so I can do her shoots with you. Bet you Niki is in there too. So go look at her trophy, said Starlight. I am going to finish my champagne then I will join you two. They walked over to the firplace and Kimmy took a close look at it. Looks bigger than it did on TV with you holding it, said Kimmy. You are very photogenic. Even with your hair all back in a ponytail plus no makeup on and a sweaty face, you looked great on TV. Starlight came back an sat on the end of the bed. That is Starlight for you. If there is a bed she will be on it in no time.

Faith and Kimmy walked over to the bed where Starlight was sitting. You know, how about I take some pictures of the two of you standing together, said Kimmy. It is not every day you get to have your picture taken with a super model. Ya that is a good idea, said Starlight. I would love to have some pictures of Faith the superstar tennis player. Then I could take a few of the two of you together. What do you think Faith? Ya that would be awesome, said Faith. Me and Starlight together. I would put them on my mantle with the trophy. Well Starlight usually poses topless, said Kimmy. Ya I know. I have seen her in clothing magazines, said Faith. I will do some private nudes for just you two if you like. I did model nude some for a girl once before I started competeting in tennis. Perfect, said Kimmy. I will go get my camera and tripod. I won't be long. You two get ready for me. Kimmy took off and Faith asked if she wanted to use the vanity. Nope, this is good enough, said Starlight. Don't want to look too plastic.

Starlight stood up and took off her top. There that is better, said Starlight. So what about you, are you keeping your small top on? No I should take it off. For some reason it will look more natural while posing with you, said Faith. Those cute little titties will be hidden by your long hair anyways. So Kimmy is the best and will tell us what to do. If she asks you to do anything you are uncomfortable with them just tell her. She does her best work naked so expect to see that. Oh I don't mind, said Faith. She has a very hot body too. You bet and she is a tiger in bed also, said Starlight. Soon Kimmy came back and set up the camera and tripod. Okay you two look ready, said Kimmy. Let me get my top off too and we will get started. She took off her bikini top and threw it to the side then told Starlight to get nice and close to Faith and put your arm around her shoulders. 

Okay that was perfect, said Kimmy. Now this time I want to see one of Faith's cute titties so left hair back please then Starlight get up on your tippy toes and face Faith like you are about to give her a kiss on the cheek. Good, now Faith put your left arm back and around Starlight and do something cute with your feet. Do what ever you want with your left hand Starlight. Good and hold it. Got it. Now lets heat things up a bit. Don't need these on anymore. Kimmy then took off her bikini bottoms.

Now lets have you two turn around and bend over some and show me those nice butts of yours, said Kimmy. Should we take our shorts off? asked Faith. Only if you want to, said Starlight. Well she is naked and this is fun, said Faith. Lets do it and give Kimmy something real good to take pictures of. Sounds good to me, said Starlight. Like I said earlier, she does amazing nude photography when she is naked. They both took off their shorts then bent over with their hands on the bed and gave Kimmy a very sexy shot of their butts. Wow two perfect asses, said Kimmy. She took a couple of pictures then moved the camera to the side of the bed. 



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