Park Capades Page 1


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Sparkle was waiting patiently on the couch for Bebei to get changed so they could go to the mall. In about ten minutes Miyo and Bebei came back to the livingroom both dressed in very similar outfits. What took you so long to put on just shorts and a sports bra? asked Sparkle. Couldn't make up our minds what to wear, said Bebei. We tried on a few different things then when I saw what Miyo decided to wear to go to the park I decided to wear the same thing, said Bebei. Sparkle smiled. You two look like sisters, said Sparkle. Well we did grow up together from a very young age, said Bebei. Ya but I am the cutest, said Miyo. No you are not, said Bebei. I am the cutest. No I am, said Miyo. See, just like sisters, said Sparkle with a smile. Okay lets go. They all left and headed out in two different directions.

Miyo got to the park but Poppy wasn't where they planned on meeting seeing there were other people at the shady tree spot. She had to look around some but was able to find her fairly fast seeing Poppy's red hair stood out from a distance. She walked over and said hi, I found you. Ya I figured you would, said Poppy. I had to find a different spot. Well this looks okay too, said Miyo. I see you brought a basket with you. What do you have in there. Oh just some snacks and stuff, said Poppy. Come sit with me, said Poppy. Miyo took off her sandals and joined Poppy on the blanket.

So how was it at Mia's spa? asked Miyo. It was amazing, said Poppy. She is so good with her hands plus other parts too. Ya Miyo is an expert when it comes to pleasing people, said Miyo. So did she make you cum? Ya just once though. She didn't want to get the mat all wet seeing there would be other girls coming in, said Poppy. Well we have all day here so to ourselves and we can do what ever we want, said Miyo. What did you do this morning? asked Poppy. Bebei and I played butt tag at home, said Miyo. Then Sparkle came over to hang out with Bebei. Ya Mia said you two played that at home in just g-strings. It sounds like fun, said Poppy. It is but better nude and with more people, said Miyo. So why didn't Bebei and Sparkle come here with you? asked Poppy. Well Sparkle thinks you don't like her so she didn't want to intrude, said Miyo. Really, I thought she didn't like me, said Poppy. She is very pretty with long blonde hair. Funny she said the same about you but with lovely red hair, said Miyo. She plans on talking to you at school. Good, said Poppy. I think she would be a good friend to have being Parson's daughter and all. Miyo smiled. Ya she sure can be wild when she wants to and being Parson's daughter does give her a lot of money to buy stuff with, said Miyo. Oh so she has lots of money? asked Poppy. I don't know how that works, said Miyo. You would have to ask Bebei. They hang out together a lot. They went to the mall together. Well I like the park better, said Poppy. We can have more fun here. 

A pretty blonde girl came walking over and said hi to Poppy. Hi Camdyn, nice bathing suit, said Poppy. Ya it was too crowded at the beach and so were the dunes so I walked over here to the park, said Camdyn. In barefeet? asked Poppy. Yep, didn't want to go back to my car to just get sandals, said Camdyn. It was closer to come to the park. Well come sit with us, said Poppy. Have you met Miyo? No but I have seen her at school. Very cute Asian girl. Yes she is and Japanese too, said Poppy. Camdyn sat with them on the blanket.

So Miyo, this is Camdyn as you just heard and she is an amazing dancer, said Poppy. She is on the dance team at school. Hi Camdyn, so the dance team you say. That must be fun, said Miyo. Yep sure is, said Camdyn. We get to compete against other schools. We always win because we have the sexiest outfits and do dirty dancing mostly. Everyone loves to watch us dance. I bet they do, said Miyo. Dirty dancing isn't easy to do. Ya but Parson girls are know for being sexy anyways so we make up our own routeens that are like having sex together but we just can't touch each other. Poppy, smiled. That must be frustrating, said Poppy. Well not really, said Camdyn. We usually get together after the competition and do hands on dirty dancing. All the girls on the team are very pretty and flexible. So can you show us a few steps? asked Miyo. Sure, said Camdyn and she stood up and thought of a sexy pose that she does on the team.

Camdyn thought of a good one to show them. She did a pose with her right leg up in the air and looking to the side while on her tippy toes. We call this pose the virtical splits, said Camdyn. Wow you are flexible, said Miyo. I can't do that. Well we practice and do stretches a lot, said Camdyn. Here is another on everyone likes.

Camdyn did another pose that had her bent over with hands on the blanket and legs spread that exposed the crotch of her bathing suit perfectly. That is a very sexy pose, said Miyo. No wonder your team wins all the time. Camdyn sat back down. Ya us girls are not shy at all and the outfits we wear are see through. Poppy smiled. Ya that would get everyones attention, she said.

So what are you two planning on doing today at the park? asked Camdyn. Mostly have some fun together, said Miyo. In fun you mean sex right? asked Camdyn. Well that too but some sexy fun also like playing butt tag, said Miyo. Ya I want to try playing that, said Poppy. It sounds like fun. So what is butt tag? asked Camdyn. Just the same as regular tag but we get naked and the person it has to tag someone's butt, said Miyo. Good exercise too! Ya that does sound like fun, said Camdyn. Who will be it first? I will, said Miyo. It is my game and suggestion. They all got naked and prepared to play butt tag.

They all stood up and stripped naked then had a good look at each other. Well we have some very sexy girls here to play butt tag, said Camdyn. Yep and some very nice butts to touch too, said Miya. So we should stay close to the blanket as not to bother the people here too much, said Poppy. Okay, good idea, said Miyo. I think I saw a family with a little girl not to far away. Alright you two start running because I am after your asses! Poppy and Camdyn took off and Miyo started chasing them.

They started running around and were having a blast. Miyo was a bit slower than Poppy and Camdyn but she managed to get Camdyn then she was it. They played for about fifteen minutes then decided to take a break seeing the were all out of breath. They sat back down on the blanket and started talking again. So what do you have in the basket? asked Camdyn. Oh just some stuff, said Poppy. Do you want to see? Ya, is there something to cool us off? asked Miyo. Actually the opposite, said Poppy.



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