Pool Time Page 1


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Phoebe comes from a wealthy family and enjoys the best things in life. Being from a rich family does not go to her head though. She has many friends at school and not because of her money. It is because she treats everyone as equals and never brags about her wealth. Now her best friend is Ninive a cute red haired girl from a modest income family. Ninive never asks anything from Phoebe except for her friendship and even Phoebe's parents like her. Today the two of them are outside of the pool house that Pheobe's parents had built to entertain their friends. It is bigger than most people's homes with a very big pool and a jucuzzi. They are laying out in the sun working on their tans and chatting. Man it is hot today, said Phoebe. Must be close to ninety degrees. Ya I am starting to sweat big time, said Ninive. We should go inside out of the sun for a while. Ya the pool has just been cleaned so swimming is a good option, said Phoebe. Ya then we can go in the jacuzzi after, said Ninive. Okay, said Phoebe, lets go.

Wow, the water looks real high today, said Phoebe. Dad must of fell asleep again when topping it off. Well if we splash around enough in it maybe it will come down some, said Ninive. That would take a lot of splashing, said Phoebe. Lets go sit on the edge of the pool. It is much cooler in here.

So have you met any nice guys lately? asked Ninive. Met them yes but dated no, said Phoebe. It seems that when you have more money than them they seem threatened or something. Ya well I can see that, said Ninive. They figure there is nothing they could buy you that would impress you. I don't care about things like that, said Phoebe. I just want to meet a nice guy and be able to spend some time with him. At least the girls at school are not like that. Ya us girls don't think about money when it comes to dating, said Ninive. Take Sparkle for instance. Her parents are super rich yet she acts just like one of the girls. Ya Sparkle is cool, said Phoebe. I like her.

The water feels good on my feet, said Ninive. Lets jump in and get wet. Ya might as well make use of all this water, said Phoebe. They both jumped in and floated around for a bit. Lets get that beach ball and toss it around some, said Phoebe. Try to keep it from hitting the water. Okay, race you to it, said Ninive.

 Phoebe and Ninive swam and raced to the beach ball that was close to the other side of the pool. I'm going to beat you, said Ninive. Ya you were always a faster swimmer than me, said Phoebe. Ninive won the race and grabbed the ball. Okay you get over there and I will toss it to you, said Ninive. Then try and hit it back to me. Remember try to keep it up out of the water. Okay, said Phoebe and swam back across the pool.

Okay you all set? asked Ninive. Yep fire when ready, said Phoebe. Ninive threw the ball up high to Phoebe and she hit it back to Ninive. They played the game for a few minutes only letting the ball hit the water a couple of times. We need something more fun to play, said Ninive. Ya I agree, said Phoebe. Have you ever had sex in the water before? No but that sounds hard, said Ninive. Ya well we both can hold our breath for a long time so we can try it together if you want, said Phoebe. Okay, lets get these suits off and give it a try, said Ninive.

The two of them removed their bathing suits and threw them out of the pool. Okay you try licking me first, said Phoebe. Okay, said Ninive. Phoebe went to the side of the pool and turned towards Ninive. She then used her hands to lift herself up some and leaned back holding herself up with her arms and hands. Ninive went underwater and grabbed one of Phoebe's legs then pulled herself in close enough so that she could start licking Phoebe's pussy underwater. She could only lick her pussy for about thirty seconds then had to come up for air. That is too hard, said Ninive. I just get started licking and have to stop and come back up for air. Ya I get that, said Phoebe. Maybe I should call a guy and see if that will work better. Ya being screwed from behind would be easy and fun, said Ninive.

Phoebe went and got her phone out of her shorts that were in the change room at the back of the pool house then the two of them had a seat on the wicker chairs near the front of the pool house. Now who should I call that will actually come here? asked Phoebe. Try anyone, said Nivive. Any guy would love to screw the two of us. Don't be so sure, said Phoebe. Most guys don't bother with me being rich and all but I will try. She called a few guys that she thought might come over but they all had an excuse why they couldn't come. Give me that phone, said Ninive. I know a real cute guy that will come and if he says no, I will threaten to never have sex with him again. Phoebe handed Ninive the phone and she called someone. There was next to no conversation other than Ninive saying where she was and to get here fast. There all done, said Ninive and put the phone on the table. So who is coming? asked Phoebe. Jayden of coarse. He will do anything I ask, said Ninive. I don't think I have ever met him, said Phoebe. Probably not, said Ninive. But he is young and fucks like a bull!

So tell me about Jayden, said Phoebe. Well first of all he is a life guard at one of the nude beaches. Really, those guys are always very good looking, said Phoebe. Oh ya, he is a cutie and has a nice build, not too buffed and is about our height but most important he has a nice cock. Perfect for sucking on and fucking. So how did you meet him? asked Phoebe. At the beach, said Ninive. We talked for awhile before his shift was over but as soon as his replacement came we went over to my blanket and had great sex together. I know when he works so I call him if I need a boy fix and he calls me when he is looking fo a good lay. Okay so that is why I don't know him. He is not from our school, said Phoebe. He was but he is finished high school and is taking a coarse to be a parimedic, said Ninive. Well lets hope he dosn't take off when he see's the place and how rich we are, said Phoebe. Oh don't worry about that. His family is very rich too, said Nivive. Phoebe smiled and said, "Can we share him please". We sure can girlfriend!

Fifteen minutes had gone by and Jayden hadn't arrived yet. What is taking him so long? asked Phoebe. Relax, said Ninive. He will be here, said Ninive. He is coming from across town. Oh okay, said Phoebe. It's just I know all your friends and this is the first one that I have never met. Well your going to meet him now because he just pulled up in his car, said Ninive. He has a car too! said Phoebe. Ya he is three years older than us and he is a very good driver, said Ninive. I don't have the money to buy a car and your parents know better than to put you behind the wheel yet. Ya that is true. I would probably smash it up in no time, said Phoebe. Jayden opens the door and walks in. Hi Jayden nice to see you again, said Ninive. Very nice to see you as always, said Jayden. So nude swimming I see. Yep, I tried to lick Phoebe's pussy under water but couldn't hold my breath long enough to make it worth while, said Ninive. Jayden laughed. Ya under water sex is not that great. So this beautiful girl must be Phoebe that my parents told me about. Your parrents know me? asked Phoebe. Yep, they have been to your parrents pool parties many times, said Jayden. You know them, Jim and Mary. Really those two are your parrents? They are a very good looking couple, said Phoebe. And their son and daughter are good lookers too, said Ninive. Yes you are very handsome, Jayden. Very nice to meet you.




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