Private Yoga Class Page 1


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Quinn heard that there was a new yoga studio opening in town and figured it would help her dancing skills. She called the studio and a girl answered and said that the studio portion was closed to the pubic right now for a week while the owner and main instructor was away taking a vacation after working so much to get things set up. However they were giving private classes to those that wish to pay the extra money. Quinn thought this would be a good chance to get a jump on other people when the studio opens to the public so she booked a private class with the woman who's name was Madelyn for the next day. She first went out and bought a yoga outfit that fit her nicely and tight but was very easy to move around in. The next day she went to the studio and had to ring the door bell. She heard the door unlock so she walked in. There she met Madelyn standing in the large studio waving. Quinn waved back and said she was here for her session.

Madelyn brought Quinn to the back area of the studio where all the props were and showed her the mat she will be working on. Now have you every done yoga before? asked Madelyn. No but I am a dancer and do stretches on the floor and with Barrs, said Quinn. Okay that is good, said Madelyn. You will be flexible then and yoga will enhance your skills plus put you in better control of your body. Now take off your shoes, we don't wear them in yoga and have a seat.

All wright lets get started, said Madelyn. First sit on the mat with your feet together and grab them with your hands. I will show you each position as we go along for now. They both sat on the mat and Quin copied how Madelyn was sitting. This is a good meditating pose, said Madelyn. There are a few of them but this is the easiest.

Now bring your feet in tight like this then keep your back straight and put one arm out, bent at the elbow and the other arm out straight to the side of you. Then look out along the length of your arm, said Madelyn. This is easy so far, said Quinn. Yes, these are standard warm up poses, said Madelyn. These warm up poses are different than dancing warm ups, said Quinn. Yes they are but we will not be dancing today, said Madelyn.

Now here is another variation of this pose, said Madelyn. Bring one leg out and around with your foot behind you like this. Then point up to the ceiling and once again look along the length of your arm. Quinn copied the pose but one of her tits popped out of her top. Oops, my tit came out, said Quinn. Ya so did mine, said Madelyn. That happens sometimes with these outfits.

They both tucked their tit back inside their top then Madelyn continued with the session. Now this is a stretching pose, said Madelyn. Go up on one foot then put your other leg out straight. Then reach down and grab your foot with one hand while looking at your foot. Okay, I can do that, said Quinn. They both did the stretch pose but once again Quinn's tit popped out. There it goes again, said Quinn. My tit, just keeps on coming out. Ya so did mine, said Madelyn. Top must be too loose or something.

Once again they both put their tit back in their top. Okay now this pose is good for the lower back and groin, said Madelyn. Get on you hands and knees but spread your legs wide appart keeping your feet on the floor. Madelyn did it first then Quinn copied her but again the tit thing happened but this time both tits came out on both of them. What is with this top, said Madelyn. These tops are suppsed to support the breasts and not let them run free. Quinn smiled. Ya my titties like to be out in the open too. Well seeing this is a private session, lets take off these tops and save us from having to keep tucking our tits back in all the time. Good idea, said Quinn but I am taking the pants off too, said Quinn. The odds are I will rip the ass out too in some other pose. Well if you don't mind being nude, said Madelyn. Oh I dance naked all the time with my girlfriend, said Quinn. It is more fun. Ya I agree, said Madelyn. That way I will be able to see your muscles stretching better. They both got up and stripped naked.

That is much better, said Madelyn. Now turn and face the right wall then go up one one leg. Okay, like this? asked Quinn. Well ya but that is the left wall, said Madelyn. Oops okay, said Quinn and she turned around. Now bring your other leg up behind you then grab your foot with both hands, said Madelyn. This really stretches the back muscles. Quinn did the pose then said, I think a guy screwed me once in this position. Madelyn smiled. Well I can think of much better postions to have sex in and much more comfortable. Ya I know but sometimes I like to experiment, said Quinn.


Now drop that leg back to the floor but keep your arms back and keep bending backward, said Madelyn. So what is this pose good for? asked Quinn. Same thing, said Madelyn. The spine and back muscles. I'm getting thirsty, said Quinn. Wish I had an ice cream cone. Well we don't have ice cream cones but we do have yogurt cones, said Madelyn. Ya they are good too, said Quinn. I love yogurt also.

So what flavors to you have? asked Quinn. Just one flavor but not sure what it is, said Madelyn. They came in a plain card board box but they are green. No matter, I like all flavors, said Quinn. Madelyn went and got the cones then they both sat facing each other enjoyong their cones. So is there a lot more positions to do yet? asked Quinn. Yep lots more, said Madelyn. Soon I will be checking your muscle tone while your are posing.



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