The Brotherhood Page 1


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Karie Works at an art studo that specializes in semi nude and nude paintings and drawings but they do landscapes and portaits too but those are not her area of expertise. She has a way of capturing a person's personality and sexuality in her paintings plus drawings and has done many works for a lot famous people in Granada. She came to Granada a year ago and was excepted because of her work plus she is a very good looking young woman at the ripe age of twenty eight.  She immediately went to the main art studio withher porfolio that also has a large area where people can display their art and sell it if they want. Karie has sold many of her paintings there and has become fairly wealthy in a very short time. Today is Tuesday and she took the day off in order to let the base coat dry fully of a new painting she is going to be working on for a new model named Haisley that has become very popular in the modelling industry. She loves to go to the sauna that is on the ground floor of her appartment, the same building that the famous fashion designer Jenny lives. A little about Karie is as follows. She is blonde and has a very nice shape for a twenty eight year old woman and is very open about sex. She has no preferences about male or female but just gets involved with very good looking people. She loves dancing and going to the beach plus watching movies in cinemas or drive ins. Today we start our story with Karie entering the sauna in the mid morning. No one is there right now seeing it is a week day and most people in the building are at work. Oh good, said Karie. No one is here yet. My spot is free for me to lay down and relax. First she turned the heat on but not too high. She preferes it to be warm and not sweaty hot in there.

Karie walked over to the benches and laid on her back on the center bench dead center in the sauna. She laided there day dreaming about last weekend's toga party she went to and how hot and sexy everyone was there. That was such a good time, thought Karie. Wish there were a few more guys there but the girls were very pretty and got rid of their toga drape fairly fast into the party. She smiled and figured a toga party was just an excuse to have an orgy.

Karie closed her eyes and dozed off for a bit. While she was lightly sleeping a guy came in the sauna. He saw Karie laying on the bench in a sexy bikini and was sleeping. Wow is she ever pretty he thought to him self. She looks a bit older than me but still she looks so hot. He walked over to the bench and sat down softly on the bottom tier as not to disturb her by climbing up on the benches where he really wanted to be.

Karie felt there was someone looking at her so she opened her eyes. Oh sorry, did I wake you, asked the young man. Karie looked over and saw a cute looking guy sitting on the bottom bench. Not really, I was just resting my eyes and thinking about stuff, said Karie. Oh good, he said. I didn't want you to get mad at me. Karie rolled over onto her tummy and smiled at him. So what is your name young man? asked Karie. Brandon, what is yours? My name is Karie, I may of been a bit surprised to see anyone here seeing it is a week day and no one usually is in here at this time. Well my brother and I are visiting my aunt and uncle today and we wanted to check out the sauna here, said Brandon. Oh so you have a brother, said Karie. Yep he is my older brother. He will be here soon. He just had to finish helping our uncle with something, said Brandon. Really and how old is he? asked Karie. Mike is twenty nine years old, said Brandon. He is real cool and a good big brother. Well glad to here that, said Karie. She thought  that this might be a nicer time to go to the sauna than she first thought.

Karie sat up and got closer to Brandon and crossed her legs to show them off to him. My you are a pretty girl, said Brandon. Nice legs and feet too. Well thankyou Brandon. Glad to see you noticed. Hard not to notice, said Brandon. You have pretty hair and eyes. Cute smile and a killer body. Imposible not to notice you espesially in that sexy bikini. Karie smiled. Are you hitting on me? asked Karie. Not really, said Brandon. My brother always says it is better to speak your mind and be honest. Oh here he is now, said Brandon.

Mike walked across the sauna room then stopped and looked at Karie then his brother. Looks like you made a friend, said Mike. Yep, she is really nice too, said Brandon. Her name is Karie. Well hello Karie. I am Mike, Brandon's older brither. It is nice to meet such a lovely girl. Nice to meet you too, Mike. Come have a seat and we can talk some. Mike got up on the benchs and sat beside Karie.

So Karie, what do you do for a living? asked Mike. I work at the art studio and gallery as an artist, said Karie. Karie, Karie, you wouldn't be Karie Underwood? asked Mike. Why yes I am, said Karie. You have heard of me then? You bet, said Mike. Your paintings are very good. I even bought one and have it hanging on the wall in my bedroom. Well I am flattered, said Karie. So what do you do for a living? asked Karie. Brandon and I own a construction company called The Brotherhood. We do anything from small projects to building large office buildings. Brandon still has a couple of years to go before he gets his papers so he is my apprentice right now. Wow that sounds like a lot of work, said Karie. Yep but we love doing it. It is a trade our family has done for many generations, said Mike. So what do you two do for fun when you are not working? asked Karie. Oh usually go to the beach, said Mike with a smile. Lots of pretty girls are usually there. Karie thought that these two very healthy and strong young men may be up for some fun here instead of the beach.

So how often do you two go to the beach? asked Karie. Oh about once a week usually, said Mike. Usually we stop working early on a Friday and head out there. Well it is only Tuesday now but why go to the beach all the time? asked Karie. Because that is where we can find the pretty girls, said Mike. Well I am a girl and I believe I am pretty, said Karie. That is what Brandon said. Ya, you are very pretty, said Mike. So why don't we play here today. A girl has needs too you know. Brandon stood up and didn't believe his own ears. You mean have sex here with you, said Brandon. Sure why not, said Karie. I dought if anyone else is going to come in here for a while. Why don't you two have a seat on the floor and I will do a sexy striptease for you. Okay, they both said and got off the benches and sat on the floor.

Karie stood up and and looked at the two of them. Okay boys, are you nice and comfortable? Yep all set said Mike. Karie lifted her arms in the air to show off her hot slender body then reached down with both hands and lifted her bikini top revealing both her tits. There you go, nice natural tits waiting for you two to play with them, said Karie. Brandon turned to Mike and said I don't believe it, she is gorgeous. Ya she is now stop bothering me I am watching the show, said Mike.

Karie took off her bikini top and threw it to the side then grabbed both tits and pointed them at Mike And Brandon. She then slowly untied the strings on both sides of her bikini bottom then turned around and let it fall to the bench. Now that is a nice ass, said Mike. Oh ya, very squeezable too, said Brandon.



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