The Medical Exam Page 2


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Okay now roll on to your belly for me please. Ninive rolled over like asked. Oh that reminds me, I almost forgot. I have to take your temperture. Oh so you want me to sit up now? asked Ninive. Nope I take your temperture in your anus, said Alma. It is way more acurate. That will give you a chance to rest some. Um okay I guess, said Ninive. Alma got the small thermometer and inserted it into Ninive's ass hole. Now I just have to wait untill the top portion turns a bright green then I take it out and see what it says. Takes a couple of minutes, said Alma. Ninive laid there with a thermometer in her ass while Alma stood back and waited for the top to turn green. Almost there, said Alma. It is starting to turn green. In about another thirty seconds it was bright green so she took it out and read it. Perfect tempeture of 98.223 degrees. Okay now I need you to keep your chest down but put your bum up for me please.

Now I have to examine your anus, said Alma. Lots of things can go wrong in there but at your age we should be all good but best to make sure. Now have you ever had anal sex bafore? No not yet but a few boys have asked me but I didn't let them, said Ninive. Good girl. Wait untill you are ready and not them, said Alma. Now first I am going to explore with my finger and feel around inside the chanel a bit. That is where internal piles and hemroids will start. Now this may feel a bit uncomfortable at first. Well okay but seeing I am completely naked and you still have your panties on, maybe you should get naked to. Fair is fair is what I always say, said Ninive. Yes I agree, said Alma. A little extra visual stimulation can go a long way.

Alma explored Ninive's anal cavity some and found no problems within finger range. She went to the couneter and opened a cuburb and took out a long black toy. Now this device is designed to be inserted into the anus and slowly go deeper inside where my fingers can't reach. It is ribbed with ball shapes from small to bigger. Now this is the small version that will be perfect for you. Alma went around beside Ninive again and began inserting the toy bit by bit. Now like my finger it will feel a bit unfomfortable at first but that will pass when I start moving it in and out, said Alma. I know a lot of girls that love this type of anal stimulation and can even cum this way. Okay, said Ninive. It don't feel that bad so far. So how far in do you go? asked Ninive. All the way in, said Alma. The anal cavity is very deep.

Alma finally got the toy all the way in and started moving it in and out slowly. How does that feel now? asked Alma. Feels good now though felt a bit odd at first, said Ninive. Okay good, said Alma. She started moving the toy in and out faster and seeing Ninive was liking it she switch hands and started fingering Ninive's clit again with her right finger. Oh my god, I think I am going to cum, said Ninive. Go for it girl, it will be a big one, said Alma. She started flicking Ninive's clit fast now then shoved the toy all the way in. It must of hit a good spot because Ninive let out a big long squirt across the table.

I have never done that before, said Ninive. That was an amazing feeling. Yep, told you it was going to be a big one, said Alma. Squirting is a special orgasm and now you know that you can do it, at least with a big toy up your ass. Alma brought the toy over to the counter and put it in the sink then grabbed a rag and dried off the table. Okay, dry enough, said Alma. Back up please. Ninive got back up on the table. Now there is just one thing left that has to be done and then I have a nice surprise for you for being such a good paitient. I have to inspect the inside of yout vaginal path with a speculum.

Alma went and got the speculum then came back and sat on the chair. Now get on your back and spread your legs wide and high, said Alma. Okay but you sure this is the last thing I have to do? asked Ninive. Yep, I have another paitient comming in soon, said Alma. Ninive got on her back and did the flying "V" with her legs. Alma spread Ninive's pussy lips out of the way then added a bit of lubricant to the speculum. Okay ready Ninive? Yep any time, said Ninive. Alma slip the speculum in her pussy then adjusted the screw that opened it up. There that is wide enough, said Alma. Now I just got to get my magnifying glass and have a good look inside. 

Alma got the magnifying glass then got down on her knees in front of Ninive's spread opened pussy. She started looking through it, moving it from side to side. Well all looks great inside, said Alma. Just a little bit of left over pussy cum inside but that is normal after cumming two times. Alma put the magnifying glass on the counter then came back to remove the speculum from Ninive's pussy. Okay we are all done so get dressed and meet me at my desk, said Alma.

Ninive got dressed and went to the desk and Alma was sitting at her desk still naked with a smile on her face. So I am all good to go now? asked Ninive. Yep but I still have to give you your surprise, said Alma. Oh so what is the surprise? asked Ninive. Well for being such a good patient I have this for you, said Alma. She bent down beside her and picked up a plant and brought it over to her. Wow a pot plant! said Ninive, for me? Yep, for you, said Alma. It is a very good stimulant so smoke a joint with a friend and it will enhance your sexual experience. Major orgasms happen while stoned on pot. Now let it grow some more and let it get a bunch of buds. Thankyou so much, said Ninive then took the plant and left.

I see she is gone now, how was she? Oh hi doctor, she was fabulous. Did everything I asked with very little questions and she came twice, one was a squirt, said Alma. Nice, I knew you would like her. I have been her doctor since birth, said the doctor. I gave her that pot plant like you asked, said Alma. Oh good, she will like that. She loves to smoke pot but can't afford it yet, said the doctor. Now the next girl will be here in less than thirty minutes so clean up what ever tools you used then get dressed and go wait for her in the lobby. It is my turn now and this teen is a very cute blonde. Okay doctor, your the boss!

The End



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