The Sleep Over Page 1


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Giselle is having some of her freinds from school over for a sleep over. Her parents are gone for the weekend and won't be back until Monday sometime so she plans to make it a real good time for everyone. She is only eighteen and so are all her girlfriends from school so she had to get her boyfriend that is nineteen to buy the wine and beer for them. She is all set and in her nightie sitting on the bed going over the list of things that she had to get ready in her head. Okay lets see, she thought. Beer, in the cooler getting cold on ice, check. Wine, under the bed, check. Toys all clean and in the bottom dresser draw, check. Glasses and mugs, on the back table, check. Okay I think that is it. Now I wait. In about five minutes a knock came at the door. Okay here we go, said Giselle. First guest has arrived.

Giselle answered the door and it was Belle looking pretty as always. Okay I made it, said Belle as she slipped off her sandals. I might be a bit early though, is that okay. Oh you are right on time, said Giselle. Everything is all set and Nyu texted me and said she is on the way. Oh good, said Belle. So just have a seat somewhere. We will wait until everyone gets her before we start the party, said Giselle. Belle went and sat on the couch.

Another knock came at the door. Come in, it is open, said Giselle. In walked Nyu wearing shorts and a tank top. She slipped off her sandals and said hello then walked over to Giselle. You wouldn't beleive the day I have had so far, said Nyu. It was amazing. Well lets wait to hear until the other two girls arrive, said Giselle. Okay, but you won't believe it, said Nyu. Hi Nyu, come sit with me and wait, said Belle. Okay, and Nyu went and sat beside Belle.

Next came Tsuki looking very hot. Hi Tsuki, I see you wore your sexy wrap today, said Giselle. Yep, I figured this was going to be a sexy party so I dressed for the occasion, said Tsuki. You got on your very short nightie I see. That doesn't hide much. Well I have nothing to hide from you girls, said Giselle. Belle and Nyu are talking on the couch so maybe you get on the bed while we wait for the last girl to arrive, said Giselle. Good idea, said Tsuki. Then she went and laid on the bed.

Last but not least Amy arrived. Hi everyone I wore my sexiest outfit, said Amy. I hope it is hot enough. Girl you are hot regardless what you wear, said Giselle. Amy smiled. Oh your so sweet to say that. I am working on growing my hair longer. Man it grows slow. Well you look good with that hair style but it will grow in time, said Giselle. Okay that is everyone. So now we should all get on the carpet in a circle to start things off. Suddenly another knock came at the door. I wonder who that is, asked Giselle. All of you are here. Well that might be Andrea, said Tsuki. I did mention to her that you were having a party but is was a sex party. But Andrea never has sex for some reason, said Giselle. Well maybe she wants to now, said Tsuki. She is real hot. Ya she is, said Giselle. Come in the door is open.

The door opened and slowly Andrea walked in wearing a long coat. Um, hello everyone. I know I wasn't invited but Tsuki mentioned to me that you were having a party and I never get invited to parties and Tsuki is a real good friend of mine so I decided to come and just see if you would let me party with you all. Ya but this is a sex party, said Tsuki. I told you that and what are you wearing that long coat for. It is like eighty degrees outside. Well I couldn't walk here wearing just this, said Andrea. She took off her coat and laid it on the flloor with her sandals then walked over to Giselle. See I just want to fit in, said Andrea. You girls are always hanging out together and doing stuff. Holy crap girl, why have you been hiding that hot body from us all this time. Well I am know as a browner at school and guys kinda scare me with their big thing in their pants so I cover up all the time. Well we are all girls here, said Giselle. You are more than welcome to join the party. Oh thankyou so much. I promiss to be good. Tsuki laughted. We definately are not going to be good at this party!

Okay so where was I before Andrea came in, oh ya. Everyone sit on the carpet in a semi circle and I will get the game we are going to play. They all sat on the carpet and Giselle got a game out of her dresser then pulled a big bottle of wine out from under the bed. First let me open this bottle, said Giselle. Wow that is a big bottle, said Andrea. Yep, go big or go home they say and I am at home anyways, said Giselle with a smile. After opening the bottle she set the game board out on the carpet between everyone. Now this is a drinking game and there is no losers in this game. Oh I love drinking games, said Belle. Now each person rolls the dice then move the game piece along the outside of the board then do what the space you landed on says. It is that easy, said Giselle. Seeing that Andrea is new to out group, she can go first, said Giselle.

Giselle handed the dice to Andrea and she rolled. Seven, said Andrea. Okay count seven spaces from the start space with the game piece, said Giselle. Andrea moved the piece and landed on a spot that said take two drinks. Giselle handed her the bottle and she took two good mouthfuls. Man this bottle is heavy, said Andrea. Oh it will get a lot lighter soon, said Nyu. Okay it is Amy's turn now, said Giselle. They continued to play until the bottle was completely empty. Okay that was fun, said Giselle. How does everyone feel. Definately got a good buzz going on, said Tsuki. Ya me too, said Nyu. Good, now let me get the next game, said Giselle. 

Giselle came back with the next game and set it up on the carpet. Now this game is a bit different in that there is no drinking involed. It is called "Look". Normally when people play this game they have more clothing on but seeing we are kind of skimpy on the clothing thing then I have made cards that say what that person is to do if you have no clothing left to take off. Not sure what you mean, said Andrea. Well if you are naked and you land on a space that says remove one item of clothing, you take a card instead and do what it says, said Giselle. I kinda made it a lot sexier. Sexier is good, said Belle. So last person to finish off the bottle was Amy so Tsuki goes first.

Tsuki rolled the dice and got ten and moved the game piece from start ten spaces. Remove one peice of clothing it says. Cool, said Tsuki and took off her top. Now things are getting interesting, she said. Very pretty breasts, said Andrea. I always wanted to see them. Well here they are and I am waiting to see what is under that bra of yours, said Tsuki. Okay it is my turn, said Giselle. She rolled the dice and got a four. She moved the game piece and it landed on a square that said remove one piece of clothing. Well only got my nightie on so here goes. 



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