The Tattooed Lady Page 1


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Disa owns a well known tattoo parlor in Granada that also sells, t-shirts, lingerie, sex toys, hash pipes, water pipes, hukas and of coarse pot and hash and other cannabis related products. She has two other tattoo artists working for her and together they make a fairly good living. Disa is also known as the tattooed lady because she has a fair amount of very artistic tats on many parts of her body. She is very hardcore and the few friends she has are mostly the biker type with excepton of one girl named Tabitha that is the exact opposite to her but somehow they get along perfectly to everyones surprise. Today Disa is relaxing at the beach waiting for Tabitha to come by later on. She brought two big bottles of Tabitha's favorite wine for them to drink. She has her sun glasses on and eyes closed while sitting back on her beach chair when she heard someone say nice tats. She opened her eyes and saw a very handsome man about to walk by her.

She sat up and said pardon me. The man stopped and said your tats they are very nice. Well thanks, said Disa. You like girls with tattoos? Yes very much, said the man. Especially good ones. They show character and and are very sexy. I don't see any tattoos on you, how come if you like them so much? asked Disa. I like them on sexy women but I perfere not to have any because some girls don't like guys with tattoos, said the man. Scares them off thinking I am a bad ass or something. So you are some kind of a woman's man? asked Disa. Not really at least I don't think of myself that way. I certainly do like pretty women though and know how to treat them. To me that is the meaning of a woman's man, said Disa. Well to each there own, said the man. So what is your name? he asked. Disa but some call me the tattooed woman, said Disa. The man smiled. I prefere Disa more. My name is Chase. Well nice meeting you Chase, said Disa.


So how mant tattoos do you have? asked Chase. Eleven, said Disa. Do you want to see them? Sure if you don't mind, said Chase. Disa stood up and showed him all her front tattoos first. So what do you think? asked Disa. Very very nice, said Chase. The art work is stunning and so detailed. Must of hurt getting them done. Ya a bit but I am used to it, said Disa. Pain goes away pretty fast. Turn around and let me see the back ones, said Chase. You just want to look at my ass, said Disa. Well the tattoos I want to see but your butt will be an added bonus.

Disa smiled then turned around to show Chase the rest of her tattoos. Very beautiful, said Chase I love the butterfly tattoos on your thighs. Nice stamp above your ass too. You mean tramp stamp, said Disa. No just stamp. To don't look like any kind of a tramp, said Chase. Very pretty and sexy. Hmm. you are a woman's man, said Disa. It seems to come naturally to you though. So I see you have two bottles of wine there sitting out in the sun, said Chase. Hope they are not both for you. No my friend is going to be meeting me here soon, said Disa. Oh does she have tattoos also? asked Chase. Nope, not a single one, said Disa. People say we are the exact opposite to each other and can't understand how we get along. Thing is they don't know her like I do. She must be special then, said Chase. Oh yes, very special and very pretty, said Disa. Can I show you a trick I figured out with the wine and how to keep it cold? asked Chase. Sure, said Disa. I didn't think to bring a cooler.

Chase moved the chatr out of the way then knelt down. He then dug a deep hole into the sand. You have to go deep enough until the sand is moist and cold, said Chase. He then placed both bottles in the hole he made and covered them back up with the sand and packed it down. There, that will keep them at the perfect wine drinking temperature, said Chase. So you like wine also? asked Disa. Most certainly, said Chase. It is the drink from god. Taste great too, he said with a smile. So how did you figure this out? asked Disa. Oh two girls I met at the beach burried me in the sand and it felt very cool under the sand. Especially my butt that was the deepest. Disa actually saw that he had a real hot ass and smiled. So I am heading over to the beach bar to have a few drinks. Say hi to your friend for me and if you are still here when I am finished, I will see you later. Oh if you need to use the johnny on the spot, just put the chair over the bottles and no one will see them. Chase then walked away. Well that was a very nice guy, said Disa to hereself. I don't meet many of them. 

Disa laid down on the blanket to wait for Tabitha to show up. About fifteen minutes went by then Disa could see her walking towards her with her bag. Oh Good she remembered to bring the glasses, she thought. When she reached Disa she put down the bag and said hi. Sorry it took me so long to get here but I got stuck in traffic. Some kind of parade going on, said Tabitha. Wierd, I never heard anything about a parade, said Disa. Me either and I was too far back to see what was going on, said Tabitha. Good thing it was a small parade. So I brought the glasses for the wine. Where is it? Oh you won't believe who I met while waiting for you, said Disa. A very handsome and quite nice man came by and loved my tattoos. Really, most guys think you have too many, said Tabitha. Not him, he said they added character to me and made me look sexy, said Disa. After I showed them to him he dug a hole in the sand and put the wine bottles in it then covered them up too keep them cold. Really that is such a good idea, said Tabitha. So where is he now? asked Tabitha. He went to the beach bar for a few drinks, said Disa. You mean he didn't hit on you and try to get you naked, said Tabitha. Nope, he was a perfect gentleman, a very freindly one too. Wow, we don't meet many guys like that, said Tabitha. That is what I thought to myself. He said when he was done at the bar he would come back and see if we were still here, said Disa. Good I want to meet this guy. Does he have tattoos also? asked Tabitha. Nope not a single one, just like you. Odd, a guy that likes tattoos but doesn't have any, said Tabitha. He told me he only likes them on girls. Hmm, I wonder if he likes girls with out tattoos, said Tabitha. Why are you thinking what I am thinking? asked Disa. Well if you are thinking rolling around in the sand with him and having sex, then yes. Disa smiled. Maybe we should stay on the blanket. Ya your right. So get one of the bottles out and lets get drinking, said Tabitha.

Tabitha sat down and took two glasses out of her bag. Disa grabbed a bottle out of the sand and handed it to Tabitha. This is nice and cold, said Tabitha. Ya Chase said that it will be at the perfect wine drinking temperature. Feels like it, said Tabitha. She poured two glasses and handed one to Disa. Here is to ya girlfriend, said Tabitha and they both took a sip. Yep, just like he said. It is perfect, said Disa. So do you think he will come back? asked Tabitha. Maybe, said Disa. He said he will but that will depend if he meets a pretty girl at the bar. Ya that is true. I hope there are only guys there, said Tabitha. Disa smiled. I know I am the reason that men don't join us at the beach, said Disa. Don't worry about that, said Tabitha. I am more than happy being with you. Ya but it would be nice to have a man to play with sometimes, said Disa. Today may be the day for us.


So all you have told me about Chase is that he is handsome and nice, said Tabitha. Can you give me some more details like what he looks like. Well lets see, said Disa. The has short brownish hair. A nice build but not like a strong muscle man. He is a bit taller than me and has pretty big feet. Oh and a real nice ass. He was wearing a small tight bathing suit too that made it hard not to stare at the bulge in his crotch. Really big feet, You know what they say about guys with big feet, said Tabitha. No what do they say? asked Disa. Big feet big penis, said Tabitha. Disa laughed. I don't know if that is true but I hope you are right. Maybe he likes girls with small feet like mine, said Tabitha. Everyone loves your tiny feet girl. It's like they stopped growing from when you were ten years old. Well lets chug down this glass and get ready to have another, said Tabitha. I don't want to be shy if he comes back.

They both chugged down their wine then set the glasses down. Wow that was good, said Tabitha. Now I am ready to get nude. Already? asked Disa. Yep, that is why we came here, said Tabitha. You got to be nude at a nude beach. Okay, said Disa. I don't want to break the rules. Well it is not a rule but it should be, said Tabitha. They both removed their bathing suits and Tabitha put them in her bag. That is better, said Tabitha. My little titties feel free again. You got big tits, they must feel free too. There not that big but yes it does feel much better, said Disa.

Yes plus we will get no tan lines, said Tabitha. I hate them. Let me measure my foot again. I want to see if they have grown any yet. I keep telling you that they are not going to grow any bigger, said Disa. Well you never know. They might be late bloomers, said Tabitha. Why do you want bigger feet? asked Disa. Small feet are adorable and very sexy. Just do it for me okay, said Tabitha. They both put their foot together and Tabitha's foot was oviously much smaller than Disa's. See they are the same size, small and very sexy as usual. She is right you know, small feet are extremely sexy, said Chase that seemed to show up out of nowhere.



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