Cassy And Sallys New Fame - Page 2


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Cassy knelt up straight then started licking the tip of his cock then along the crease of the head. Okay here goes, said Cassy. Hope I can get it in. This is a big fucking cock. She grabbed the cock and opened her mouth as wide as should could the popped it in. At first she used her tongue on the underside of the head then started pumping the shaft with her hand pushing the cock in deeper and deeper until it hit the back of her throat. No way I am deep throating this thing she thought to herself so she took her hand off the shaft and began to rock back and forth on it. Holy crap you got it in your mouth. Most girls can't do that and just end up jerking me off, said Chase. It was getting easier to suck him now as her mouth got used to the thickness so she began to suck harder and faster now.

Cassy kept sucking hard and fast and soon she could feel the head of the cock start to swell. She wanted to see him cum so she grabbed his cock and pulled it out of her mouth then began to pump it fast with her mouth open and tongue out. Chase began to cum, blasting her face and tongue plus shot right down her throat. When he stopped cumming, Cassy let go of his cock. Wow that was a lot of sperm, said Cassy. Feels like my face is covered with it. Chase smiled. Yep it sure is and that was the best blowjob I have ever had. Thanks for that. Any time and come over anytime when your not working, said Cassy. I am sure Sally would love to play with you too. If the door is open then just come in. That is what all our friends do. Okay I will, said Chase. I better get back to the office now before they begin to wonder where I am. Okay and thanks again for the special delivery, said Cassy.

Cassy used her fingers to wipe the cum off her face and licked her fingers clean. Then she grabbed the package and went downstairs. Sally and Sparkle were dressed and saw Cassy come in the music room. There you are, we were just coming upstairs to she what was taking you so long, said Sally. Oh a nice man delivered a package from the agency that pays the performers commissions, said Cassy. He said there is a gift for us too from our agent. Oh good, said Sally. Hey what is that on your shirt? Oops I must of missed some, said Cassy. Some what? asked Sally. Well he said he had to work in the office and couldn't come to our concert so I figured he was nice anough to deliver this package so I rewarded him with a blowjob. Sparkle giggled. Yep a true Parson's girl. Did you get his name? asked Sparkle. Yep, Chase is his name and man he had a big cock, said Cassy. Biggest cum shot I ever saw too. I know Chase, he is a real nice guy but you were able to get his cock in your mouth, said Sparkle. I couldn't. Yep, I had to work it in a bit but I got it but couldn't deep throat him, said Cassy. You can be such a nut sometimes Cassy. By the way you have some cum in your hair too, said Sally.

Well I best be going and start planning the charity concert, said Sparkle. It will be in two days at Westside Beach. Really at a nude beach? asked Sally. Yep that way I don't have to rent a hall, just the equipment. I have done one before there and it worked out great but not with such famous talent as you two, said Sparkle. Okay, sounds good, said Cassy. What time does it start? Probably three PM. That way there are no lights needed either, said Sparkle. So call me if you have any questions but I have to run. Then Sparkle left. Okay lets see what is in the box, said Sally. They both sat on the couch and Cassy took the lid off. There was two envelopes with each of their names on them. I wonder how much we got paid, said Cassy. Lets see, open them up, said Sally. Wow thirteen thousand dollars each for just one show! Now we can really shop till we drop, said Cassy. What does the note say in the box? asked Sally. Cassy read it out loud. "These are your new concert outfits for the Canadian tour. Kevin told me you two play best in your underware but these will be more appropiate." Look two matching bikinis, said Cassy. Awesome, lets try them on, said Sally. They both disrobed and put on the bikinis. Wow perfect fit and very sexy, said Sally. Ya these are perfect for rocking with, said Cassy. Lets work on a few new songs with them on. Okay, lets start with that song you wrote, Never Say Never.

The next day they went out to the shopping mall and bought two new outfits. While they were there people kept comming up to them asking for their autograph. Even girls they knew at school were excited to see them. When they got back home, they changed and decide to go see Maggy at the Barefoot Bar. Hi Maggy, how has business been? asked Sally. Just great. People I have never seen in here before have been showing up, said Maggy. Cool, I wonder why? asked Cassy. Well because of you two, said Maggy. When you did that radio interview you mentioned you met Kevin here. That was very good advertising for my bar. Oh ya, I forgot about that, said Cassy. Why would that matter, you advertise on the radio all the time. Maggy smiled. You two are overnight sensations and have a new status of fame here in Granada. People are comming here hoping to see you two here, said Maggy. Ya we noticed that at the mall today, said Sally. We must of gave autographs to forty people of all ages. I am sure that will die down over time. I dought it, said Maggy. Once you start touring you will just get more famous. I heard you are doing a charity concert at the beach too. People are going to love you two even more after that. Well we just love playing music, said Sally. Sparkle is really nice and she puts the money raised to good use. Yep she is a very special girl too, said Maggy. So what can I get you two. It is on the house. Really! Okay a glass of red wine please, said Cassy. Me too, said Sally.

The next day Cassy and Sally were doing the last peparations before they left for the beach. Kevin called them and wished them luck but also said that the concert they were doing may become much bigger than expected so hope you had a good sleep because it may be a long show. I wonder what Kevin meant by saying it may be a long show, said Cassy. We only have fourteen songs to play. Beats me, maybe we will have to do enchores like before, said Sally. Just then Sparkle called. Hello Sparkle, what's up? We are all practiced up and just doing a few things, said Cassy. We will leave for the beach at two thirty. Well I just sent a limo over to your place and you best leave now, said Sparkle. But it is only one thirty, said Cassy. I know but the beach is packed with people already and the TV crew is all set up, said Sparkle. TV? We are going to be live on television too? asked Cassy. Yep and also the concert is being streamed on "You Tube" world wide, said Sparkle. Once I told the radio station about the charity concert they been anouncing it every hour and contacted the television networks about it also. Wow, I wasn't expecting it to get this popular, said Cassy. Okay we are on our way. What's going on? asked Sally. We have to leave now and there is a limo waiting for us, said Cassy. Kevin was right, this is going to be a bigger concert than we expected. You grab the guitars and I will grab our outfits from the last concert... They got changed in the back of the limo and it drove them right up to the back of the stage. Sparkle came over and talked to them through the window. Okay good your here, said Sparkle. Now I am going to talk to the people first on stage but when you hear me anouncing your names. Run out on stage and do your thing. Sparkle went on stage and turned on the mic. Welcome everyone to the third anual charity concert here in Granada. There are several barrles placed in different areas of the beach for you to make your donations. All money goes towards the sick kids and the physically challenged Parson Charity Organization. Now there is no nudity allowed during the show seeing it is being televised but I am sure you all figured that out by now. So with out any more adue. I would like you all to stand and raise your arms for Cassy and Sally from the Marsuders! That's our cue, said Sally Lets go. They both ran on stage with their guitars. The crowd went nuts clapping and screaming. Wow they really do like us, said Cassy. Ya think, look at them, said Sally. Hello everyone, started Cassy. Thanks for comming and let me say we didn't expect this many people to be here. Do you want to say something Sally? You bet, said Sally. Hi everyone, are you all ready to rock! The crowd went nuts again. Okay lets all rock together. Cassy ran behind the keyboard and they started with a very strong Marauders song. As they were playing even more people were showing up.

They played two more Marauder songs then they played one of Cassy's songs. Meanwhile Sparkle was back talking to the limo driver when someone unexpected showed up. Excuse me Sparkle, can I make a request from you. My name is Shirley. You know me from the songs that Ginger and I did that are on the radio. Sparkle looked at her. Wow Shirley from the Magic Tempo Band! I love your album, said Sparkle. Well thankyou, said Shirley. So what I want to know is if we can sing a couple of songs of mine with Cassy and Sally. They are awesome and made a huge improvement to the Marauders. Let me ask them but I am sure they will say okay, said Sparkle. After the song was over Sparkle ran on stage and asked the girls if Shirley could sing a few songs with them. They gladly agreed. Sparkle took the mic. Ladies and gentlemen we have a special guest appearance from Shirley of The Magic Tempo Band. Please welome her. Everyone started to clap and scream as Shirley took the stage. Hi girls, do you know how to play any of my songs? asked Shirley. You bet we know all of them, said Sally. Okay then lets start with Just A Country Girl then, said Shirley. You play the keyboard and I will play your guitar. So where is Ginger? asked Cassy. She is here, wait and see, said Shirley. She went to the mic. Hello all, I hope you are have a great time. Now I want everyone to look up and to your right. I want you to welcome the magical singing pixie Ginger! Just then out of nowhere, Ginger came flying down and landed in front of the mic. The crowd went nuts again. Okay Ginger Country Girl first, said Shirly. Okay, wow are you two girls hot! said Ginger. The music started and Ginger began to sing.

They did two more of Shirley's songs then she told Ginger to stay on stage and sing backup vocals for the girls. I'm going to mingle in the crowd and listen to the rest of the concert and wait for Ivy to get here. Who is Ivy? asked Cassy. You will see, said Shirley. Very beautiful winged sprite. She wants to sing a song she wrote. Oh okay sounds cool, said Cassy. Shirley left the stage and first went back to talk to Sparkle. So keep your eyes open for Ivy Sparkle. She will be coming near the end of the show. Why is she comming here? asked Sparkle. Well she wrote a song and wants to sing it for everyone here, said Shirley. Ivy can sing? I didn't know that, said Sparkle. Yep she has a beautiful voice, said Shirley. I'm going to mingle now. The girls sang some more Marauder songs and soon they were down to the last song that Sally wrote that no one had ever heard before. While she was singing it Ivy flew down to Sparkle. Hi Sparkle, how did the show go? Ivy, you did come, said Sparkle. The concert is fantastic. Best ever! So you can sing? Ya, all sprites can sing, its just one of our tallents, said Ivy. So can I sing the song I wrote for everyone. Ginger says it is very good. Sure let me introduce you when they finish this last song. Once the song was over, the crowd was chanting more more. Sparkle got up on stage and told everyone there was one more very special guest here. Most of you have heard of her but very few have ever seen her. I want all of you to meet Ivylynn the queen of the forest and all the plants in Fae Land. She has a song to sing for us. Sparkle got off stage and Ivy flew up and landed beside Cassy. Both Cassy and Sally's jaw dropped. My god your gorgeous, said Cassy. I'm okay I guess, said Ivy. So I have this song called Never Give Up. Ginger loves it so will you two play the music for me? Um how, we never heard it before, said Cassy. No problem, give me your hand, said Ivy. Cassy put out her hand and Ivy held it for a few seconds. There you got it. Yep sure do but how did you do that? asked Cassy. Magic girl, Fae magic, said Ivy. Then she went over to Sally and did the same. Ivy went to the mic and said hello to everyone that were very silent but all staring at this beautiful winged sprite. My name is Ivy and I am a forest sprite. I have a nice song to share with you all and I hope you all like it. It is called Never Give Up. Cassy started playing the intro to the song that was very mystical sounding. Then Sally kicked in with the guitar and then things started to rock. Next Ivy started to sing with Ginger singing backup vocals. Sparkle came out from behind the stage to listen to this song that was so magical sounding yet totally rock and roll. Sparkle looked behind her and noticed almost everyone was sitting down listening to this new kind of rock and roll. The song had a strong story line telling a tale of a girl that lost her parents and almost lost her soul but because of her new friends she got her life back and became a very important person loved by everyone.


When the song ended with some fancy keyboard work by Cassy the crowd all stood up and started cheering and wanted to here more. I guess they liked my song, said Ivy. Are you kidding, that was an amazing song, said Sally. I never heard music like that before. Ya I didn't know the keyboard could make all thise new sounds, said Cassy. Well they want more so do that song you two haven't played yet, said Ivy. How do you know we have another song? asked Cassy. I saw it in you when we touched. It is a good song too, said Ivy. But we haven't practiced it much yet, said Sally. So what, lets wing it. You two will make it work, said Ivy. I'll introduce it for you. Ivy went to the mic and calmed everyone down. Cassy and Sally have one more song that they haven't perfected yet but we are going to play it for you all anyways. It is called From The Heart. Ivy touched Ginger. You got it? Yep sure do, said Ginger. They started the song and it was very good with a very good beat that made everyone start to dance. Even the limo driver came out and started dancing with Sparkle. When the song was over, Sparkle went on the stage and thanked everyone for comming. Okay I have to head back to Fae Land I have a delivery of radios to take there, said Ginger. Then she flew off. So where are you going Ivy? asked Sparkle. I don't know, I think I will stay here for a few days if Olympia is home. You can stay with us, said Cassy. We have room. Yep we sure do plus I have some questions to ask you, said Sally. Okay sounds good, said Ivy. Great everyone in the limo then, said Sparkle. When they got back to Cassy and Sally's place they went to the kitchen. So how do you like our place? asked Cassy. Very nice and modern, said Ivy. Very big kitchen too. Is that your ice box? Well it's our refridgerator, said Sally. Does it have some ice cream in it? asked Ivy. Yep it does, we always have ice cream, said Cassy. Great, can I have some, ice cream is my very favorite food in the world, said Ivy.

Well then have a seat at the table and I will get you a bowl, said Sally. I want one too, said Cassy. Okay then three bowls of ice cream but I only have chocolate, said Sally. Perfect! My very best favorite flavor, said Ivy. Sally served up the ice cream and they sat down at the table. I keep two big tubs in the bottom of our ice box at home and get Tempressa to flash it with ice twice a week, said Ivy. Tempressa? She makes ice for you? asked Cassy. Yep, she is the Ice Queen and can freeze stuff by just pointing at it, said Ivy. Pretty cool magic don't you think. Very cool so we heard there is a lot of magic and people with magic in Fae Land, said Sally. What magic do you have? You can read minds or something, we found that out at the concert. Well I don't really read minds, said Ivy. I can see inside your mind and soul plus I can sense good and bad in people or if the have any bad secrets. Stuff like that. I don't read good people though without there permission. That's good to know, said Cassy. So do all sprites have this talent? Nope just me. I am special and the most powerful reader in the world, said Ivy. Wow this is good ice cream! Cassy and Sally looked at each other in amazement. Oh ya I can go invisible and this green bracelete that Alexa gave me makes transluscent so nothing can harm me, said Ivy. Other than being able to fly very fast that is all I can do.



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