Cassy And Sally's New Fame - Page 4


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After they finished eating all they could, Sally took the plates and put them in the sink. Well looks like we have left overs now, said Sally. Ya a whole pizza, said Cassy. I'll bag it up and put it in the fridge, said Sally. Pizza always makes me sleepy when I eat it, said Ivy. Is it too early to go to bed? No it is past ten o'clock, said Sally. If you want you can go up to my room and go to sleep. There are nighties in the top drawer of my dresser. Oh I always sleep nude, said Ivy but thanks anyways. Then Ivy headed to the bedroom. Today has been a very interesting and exciting day, said Cassy. I think I best get some sleep too. Ya me also as soon as I get the pizza in the fridge, said Sally. Do you want me to help? asked Cassy. Nope I got this, said Sally. Have a good sleep, I know I will.... In the morning Sally got up and saw Ivy wasn't in her bed. She got dressed and went to the kitchen and found Cassy and Ivy sitting at the table eating ice cream. Ice cream for breakfast? asked Sally. Yep I always have ice cream for breakfast, said Ivy. I cooked two eggs and mushed them up in a cup and ate them first. Then I did the dishes. Really, how long have you been up? asked Sally. I don't know, a while. Cassy came down just a few minutes ago so I gave her some ice cream too, said Ivy. Yep she sure did and now we are out of ice cream, said Cassy. Well I have to go shopping today anyways so I will buy a bunch more, said Sally. Okay and I will take Ivy to meet Maggy at the bar, said Cassy. She will be there but the bar will be closed so we won't be bothered. Okay sounds good, have fun you two, said Sally. Ivy and Cassy finished their ice cream then headed out. When they got to the Barefoot Bar Cassy knocked on the door and Maggy opened the blinds to see who it was then let them in. Wow, hi Cassy, I see you brought Ivylynn with you. Please have a seat at the bar. She is a very nice and kind lady, said Ivy. Yep she sure is, said Cassy. Well it is early but lets have a beer together and talk. The girl working today will be here in a bit and she will get the bar set up for me. I don't really drink much. I messes with my senses, said Ivy. Sometimes I have a glass of wine though. Yep alcohol messes everyone's senses, said Maggy. That is the fun part of it! This is very good beer, you have to try it and it is free, then we can talk.

Okay, said Ivy. I like the price. Yep Cassy and Sally always get to drink here for free and you are a very special person so you can drink free too, said Maggy. Maggy filled two more mugs and handed them the beers. So Ivy I saw you yesterday on TV, said Maggy. I loved the song you sang. I heard about you when Kendra was on the news a while ago. She said you were beautiful and boy she was correct. I'm okay, said Ivy. I think I look normal like everyone else in Fae Land. Everyone is pretty there. Well I have seen lots of pretty young girls here in my bar and you girl are at the top of the hill, said Maggy. Ivy took another drink of the beer. This does taste good. Then she drank the rest of it and burped. Excuse me. Can I have another one please? asked Ivy. You bet, Anything for you dear. So Cassy, did you hear how much the concert made yesterday? asked Maggy. No not yet. I haven't heard from Sparkle, said Cassy. Well I bet it is a lot, said Maggy. The show was being streamed world wide. Really the whole world could watch? asked Ivy. Yep, it was on the internet, said Maggy. Just then the door opened and a girl walked in. There is Fay, She is here to start her shift, said Maggy. Hi Maggy, how are things? Wow! Cassy is here and is that Ivylynn is saw on TV yesterday? Ivy stood up and smiled at the girl. My you are pretty, I could just eat you up, said Ivy. You think I am pretty, look at you, said Fay. You are knock down gorgeous. I have never seen anyone as hot as you. I guess but too bad you are working. I would love to play with you at that nude beach. Cassy giggled. I think the beer is affecting her. Nope but I am tinggling a bit, said Ivy. Well Fay if you want I will cover your day shift but you will have to do the night shift, said Maggy. Really you would do that for me? asked Fay. Sure, grab you bag with the beach blanket in it and take a bottle of wine with you, said Maggy. You three will need something to drink. I told you Maggy was a very nice and kind girl, said Ivy. Yes I know, said Cassy.

Fay went into the back room and got her bag then grabbed a big bottle of wine from the fridge then came back out. Okay all set, said Fay. Alright lets go, said Cassy. Wait, let me finish my beer, said Ivy. I don't want to waiste it. She then cugged the rest of it down. Man that's good stuff! Okay see you later Maggy. Thanks for the beer, said Cassy. They all got in the car and headed for the beach. Now we will go to the back of the beach closer to the cottages where not many people go, said Cassy. That way we won't get bothered hopefully. I agree, said Fay. If people saw you two there they would never leave you alone. Cassy drove in the back way to the beach then they headed out to find a nice spot. Here we go, said Cassy. Perfect spot and no one around. Lets spread out the blanket and then strip down. Put the clothes in the bag. Once they were all settled Cassy put the bottle of wine in front of her. What kind of wine is that? asked Ivy. I have only drank red wine. Well that is champagne. It is bubbly wine and is more expensive, said Fay. You will have to drink from the bottle though. I didn't want to bring glasses from the bar incase they got broken. Good thinking, said Cassy.

Can I have the first drink? asked Ivy. I guess so but let me open it first, said Cassy. She opened the bottle then pushed it over to Ivy. Ivy knelt up and grabbed the bottle. Wow it is heavy, said Ivy. Well drink up and it will get lighter, said Fay. Ivy brought the bottle up to her mouth and took a big drink. That tasted good too, said Ivy. Nice and fruity and fizzy. Then she handed it to Fay that took a drink then lastly Cassy had a drink.

Okay I am ready, said Ivy. Fay can you lay on your back and spread your legs for me. I want to lick your pussy. You bet, said Fay. That way I can lick Cassy's pussy at the same time. Cassy put the cork back in the bottle and placed it beside the bag. Then they all got into postion and the pussy licking started.

Ivy brought Fay's legs down and lifted up her butt then stuck two fingers in her pussy. Boy Ivy likes to take charge, dosn't she, said Fay. Ya she did at our place too, said Cassy. She knows what to do because she can sense how you feel. Yep but I am used to being in charge at the fairy forest too, said Ivy. I control all the magic in Fae Land from the cove in there. You control magic? asked Fay. Yep I sure do! said Ivy. Have you every been fisted?

Fisted, your going to push your fist in my pussy? asked Fay. Well not exactly, said Ivy. I'm going to work all my fingers in bit by bit and try and get my whole hand inside. Don't worry, if I sense it is hurting I will stop. It feels really good though. Okay, your in charge, said Fay. Ivy started by putting three fingers in and wiggled them around. Then she put her pinky finger in with no problem. Okay this is the tricky part so relax your pussy as best you can, said Ivy. I got to try and get my thumb in now. Ivy pulled her hand out a bit then tucked her thumb in tight then slowly started pumping her hand in and out going deeper each time. She almost had her entire hand in but stopped for a moment. I have to see this. said Cassy and she moved over for a closer look. Wow your almost got it all in. Yep but this is the hard part, said Ivy. Getting past the widest part of the hand. Just pust it in Ivy. It feels amazing, dosen't hurt that much, said Fay. Okay here goes then, said Ivy. Ivy gave a big push and her entire hand disappeared inside Fay's pussy. Wow you did it, said Cassy. How does it feel Fay. Ah man, it feels great, said Fay. Okay now the fun starts, said Ivy. Watch this Cassy. Ivy started to twist and pump her hand going deeper and deeper until she felt the back of Fay's pussy. Oh my God, oh my God, I'm going to cum, said Fay. That's the idea, said Ivy. Go girl! Ivy used the finger on her other hand and started to rub Fay's clit. In a few moments Fay let out a loud sound and pussy cum started to drip out and lots of it. Ivy slowly pulled out her hand and licked it clean. Yummy, not as good as ice cream but still good, said Ivy. Cassy just laughed.

That was totally amazing Ivy, I have never cummed that hard before, said Fay. Thanks for that. Your welcome. You are a very sexual girl so I felt you could take it, said Ivy. You say you can feel things in me, how? asked Fay. It is just one of my talents, said Ivy. Prove it, what am I feeling now? asked Fay. Satisfaction of coarse Faylinn, said Ivy. What you know my full name? asked Faylinn. Yep I do, my full name is Ivylynn but every calls me Ivy for short and I like it, said Ivy. Ya me too, said Fay. So can I get a ride home so I can take a shower before going into work tonight? asked Fay. Yep no problem, said Cassy. Lets get dressed and pack everything up. You two can keep the champagne. I don't need it, said Fay. Okay cool but let me have another drink first, said Ivy. I like it!

After Dropping Fay off at home Cassy drove back to her place. They went in and found Sally in the kitchen cleaning up. Hi Sally we are back and man we are hungry, said Cassy. Okay, the fridge is well stocked now, said Sally. Have what ever you want. Lets see what she bought, said Cassy. She always buys good stuff. Ivy put the wine bottle on the table and they went to the fridge to look inside. Yep lots of food now, said Ivy. So what do you want Ivy? asked Cassy. Ivy opened the freezer door. This, she bought a ton of ice cream! said Ivy. You want ice cream for lunch? asked Sally. Shouldn't you have a sandwich or some soup first. Nope all I need is ice cream, said Ivy. It gives me energy and is good for my wings. Okay why not lets have icream, said Cassy. So what's up with the big bottle of wine? asked Sally. Fay gave it to us, said Ivy. Maggy said we could have it to take to the beach. What you two went to the beach? asked Sally. Nope, us three went to the beach. Fay was a lot of fun, said Ivy. Cassy smiled and filled two bowls with ice cream then they sat at the table eating. So tell me Cassy, who is Fay? asked Sally. One of Maggy's employees, said Cassy. She is really pretty. She is gorgeous, said Ivy and very sexual. Very good soul and no secrets. I like her. Why don't you sit down and have some champagne. It is really good! Yes I think I better, said Sally.


Sally grabbed a tall glass and filled it with wine. Wow you must really like champagne too, said Ivy. Yep, it is a girls favorite drink, said Sally. So what are your plans for the rest of the day? Well first I am going to see Olympia and ask her for some money, then I am going shopping, said Ivy. There are some things I saw last time I was here but didn't get anything. I just studied about electricity. So she will give you money? asked Sally. Yep she will. The angel Cindy gave her a big suit case full to take care of us fae when we are here, said Ivy. Really an angel gave her money, said Cassy. Money from heaven then. I guess so, said Ivy. So do you need a ride to her place? asked Cassy. Nope I will fly there. I know where she lives, said Ivy. Well that will give us some time to practice our songs, said Sally. Yep I agree, said Cassy. Will you be back for supper Ivy. Yep, I never miss a meal, said Ivy. After Ivy finished her ice cream she thanked the two of them and left. Must be nice having wings, said Sally. No gas bills or car payments. Just eat ice cream and you are good to go. Cassy giggled. You always can make me laugh Sally...Ivy arrived at Olympia's appartment and knocked on the door. Come in yelled Olympia. Ivy walked into the kitchen and saw Sapphire was there also sitting at the table. Ivy, it is so nice to see you again! said Olympia. I saw you on TV yesterday and was hoping you would come by. Your my friend so of coarse I would come and see you, said Ivy. So what are you up to? asked Olympia. Going shopping at that big mall the sisters told me about. Can you come with me? Go shopping with you would be a pleasure, said Olympia. You can tell what has been going on in Fae Land since you went back. Okay but I need money and you have to carry it because I have no pockets, said Ivy. Yes we can see that, said Sapphire. Do you want me to shrink your wings again. Nope, everyone saw me so no need now, said Ivy. Okay then let me get dressed and grab a bunch of money then we can head out, said Olympia.




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