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Kimmy promissed Mr Parson that she would take the pictures of the students this year for the year book. She normally doesn't do that type of photography but she owed him a favor. She didn't mind that much because she went to that public school when she was younger and had a lot of good memories there especially from when she got into the higher grades nine to twelve. Parson High was broken up into two sections. A grade school, kindergarden to grade eight then a high school, grade nine to grade twelve. All was fine taking the pictures of all the younger kids, kindergarden to grade eight but when it came time to take the pictures for the grade nine to twelve students things got a bit tense for her. You see grade nine and up girl students had a school uniform that was very sexy and revealing. Plus the fact that almost every grade nine and up girl hit on her or acted very flirty while getting their picture talken. Three in paticular were Merida, Sparkle that was Mr Parson's daughter and a pretty red haired girl named Amber that was cute as a button. After all the pictures were taken Kimmy had her assistant pack up the camera gear and take it back to the studio. After such a wild day she needed to unwind so she went to a bar that she used to go to when she was a senior at school. When she got there only the bar tender was present cleaning some glasses behind the bar. Well it is nice and quite anyways, she thought to her self so she sat at the bar and ordered a drink. She found out the bartenter's name was Maggie and it doesn't usually get busy at the bar until night time. This is where the story will start with Kimmy at the bar talking to Maggy... 

So Maggy, what happens here at night? asked Kimmy. Oh I only work the day shift getting things ready for the crowd and serving the odd person that comes in like you and a few of the girls when school gets out. Oh so the students still come here? asked Kimmy. Yea but not like they used to, said Maggy. But I do have some regulars that come in for a beer or glass of wine. That is where I was all day today. At Parson High taking their year book pictures, said Kimmy. Maggy smiled. That must of been something. The older girls are the wildest I have ever seen. They come in here and sit at the back table and make out a bit sometimes take off their tops and compare breasts play footsie. Stuff like that, quite harmless. I am sure they have sex together when they leave here. Ya I bet they do, said Kimmy. Oh here comes one now, said Maggy. I better get back behind the bar.

Hi Amber what can I get you? asked Maggy. Just a glass of wine please Maggy, said Amber. Amber turned and saw Kimmy sitting at the bar. Hi, you were our photographer, said Amber. You were awesome. Hope we didn't drive you crazy. Well just a little bit but it was fun, said Kimmy. Good, the other photographers we've had were old men and grumpy but you are young and hot! said Amber. Well thankyou for saying that, said Kimmy. Oh it is true, all the girls loved you and thought you were super sexy plus that red hair is awesome. Us red heads have it happening, said Amber. Maggy started to giggle and handed Amber her drink.

Anyways, what is your name or should I just call you hot lady? Amber asked with a smile. Well hot lady sounds nice but it is Kimmy. And yours is Amber right, said Kimmy. Yep Amber Trescott, said Amber. So what grade are you in Amber? asked Kimmy. Grade eleven, said Amber. The hottest teens are in grade eleven, said Amber. At least that is what I think but Merida thinks all the high school girls are hot. She is a real sex pistol. Merida, which girl is that? asked Kimmy. Oh the very pretty blonde girl, said Amber. She must of hit on you and she is very touchy. Oh yes I know which one she was. The girl that kept touching my arm and hair, said Kimmy. Yep that is Merida alright. She loves red hair girls. Well all girls but redheads the most.

Well I see the uniforms have changed since I was in school, said Limmy. How do you like them? They are awesome, said Amber. Way sexier than the old ones I saw in older year books. But don't you think they are too revealing? asked Kimmy. For instance I can see part of one of your tits and your skirt is so short I can see your white panties. That is the whole idea, said Amber. Being sexy is real good and us girls like being sexy. These tops are really easy to show someone our tits.

Amber then revealed both of her tits to Kimmy. There see, nice and easy, said Amber. What do you think? Not bad for eighteen year old boobies. Um yes very nice, said Kimmy with a surprised look on her face. Ya I like them too, said Amber. Nice nipples also. I bet you have nice tits too under that sexy top. Well yes I like them but they are a bit on the small side, said Kimmy. Small titties are the best, said Amber. Not as much to lug around and don't get in the way when doing stuff. They usually have nice long nipples too. Nipples are the best part you know. Yes I agree, said Kimmy.


Go ahead Kimmy, show her your tits, said Maggy. This is a topless bar. Really, it is topless now too, said Kimmy. Yep, that is why it gets so busy at night, said Maggy. Lots a real hot girls and handsome men come in at night. Well going topless is fun, said Kimmy and Amber already has shown me her's so why not. said Kimmy. It is all in good fun and I like having fun. Ya me too, said Amber. I will take mine off too so we are even. They both took off their tops then Maggy offered to take them and keep the tops behind the bar. There see, not that big, said Kimmy. Amber stood up and said, "They are perfect and a bit bigger than mine. I love the nipples too". Ya they have served me well, said Kimmy.

Long nipples and long toes, said Kimmy. My models all seem to like them. Amber looked down at Kimmy's feet. Wow, they are long, said Amber. I love long toes. My friend Josie has long toes too but not as long as your toes. Amber knelt down and grabbed Kimmy's right foot to have a closer look at it. So you like feet too I take it, said Kimmy. You bet, who doesn't, said Amber. Look Maggy, she has awsome toes. Maggy bent over the bar and had a look. My yes they are very pretty and nice long toes too, said Maggy. Not freaky looking either.

Amber quickly slipped off Kimmy's sandals and tossed them up to Maggy. Then she immediately started sucking on Kimmy's long toes. So she is allowed to suck my toes too? asked Kimmy. Sure, why not. You have very nice toes. I'd suck on them too but they are too far away. These toes are the best every, said Amber. Here take this foot and I will get the other toes.

Amber lifted Kimmy's right leg up to give to Maggy and she grabbed Kimmy's foot by the heel then bent over the bar and started sucking on the big toe. I love sucking on big toes, said Maggy. Especially this nice long one. I like them all, said Amber. She then grabbed Kinny's left foot and started sucking those toes. Wow I am really starting to like the way this bar is now, said Kimmy. Been a while since I have had the toes on both feet sucked. Ya this is a real cool bar, said Amber. Just got to keep your bottoms on. Everything else can come off and be played with. Kimmy saw that Amber was now holding her own tit while sucking on her toes. This is really turning her on, she thought to herself. Kinda getting me horny too.



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