Older Younger Page 4


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Kimmy then stood up and bent over. Back to pussy licking, said Kimmy. Give it a good deep licking with that long tongue of yours. Alright, said Amber as she sat up and grabbed Kimmy's knees then started licking her pussy again. This is a lot of fun, said Amber. Well there still is some more sexy fun to be had yet, said Kimmy. I will show you what I do best.

Okay, now for something completely different, said Kimmy. Well mostly different. Kimmy then got off the bed and stood facing Amber that was kneeling on the bed. But I haven't given you an orgasm yet, said Amber. No need, said Kimmy. I don't always have to cum to have fun during sex. I did all that I wanted to do with you and had a real good time. Okay so what different are we going to do now? asked Amber. Well you did ask me if I could take nude pictures of you, said Kimmy. You are naked now and on a big bed that will be perfect for me to take some sexy pictures for you to show your girl friends. Really, you will do that for me? asked Amber. Sure why not. It is what I do for a living sort of, said Kimmy. Okay cool. Let me check my hair and makeup at the vanity, said Amber. You are not wearing any makeup, said Kimmy. Oh ya. I don't wear makeup for school.

Well go over there and check yourself out, said Kimmy. I will set up the camera. Amber went over to the vanity and started fixing her hair. Kimmy set up the camera that didn't take much seeing she always keeps it ready for use. She saw Amber at the vanity Looking at herself and playing with her hair. I love this, said Amber. I can see three sides of me and don't even have to turn my head. Kimmy smiled then turned the camera and flash on. Okay all set here, said Kimmy. Okay, be right there, said Amber.

Amber came back to the bed and sat on it cross legged and looked into the camera. So how do you want me? asked Amber. Can you make me look beautiful like Starlight? You are already beautiful, said Kimmy. You don't want to look like her, you want to look like you. Very pretty and natural. Okay so what pose should I do? asked Amber. That one is perfect and Kimmy took the picture.

You took this picture of me just sitting here? asked Amber. Yep, it was perfect trust me, said Kimmy. Can I see it? Sure come around here and look, said Kimmy. Amber got up and went to look at the viewer on the camera. That does look good, said Amber. Just like me. Yep sure does, said Kimmy. Now give me another just you pose but on your tummy. Okay said Amber and she went back on the bed and laid on her stomach like she always does.

Okay that looks good just move your right leg a bit so it crosses your left leg, said Kimmy. Like this? asked Amber. Yes perfect, said Kimmy. Now give me an Amber smile. Amber smiled then Kimmy took the picture.

Another perfect picture, said Kimmy. Your a natural and the camera loves you. Ya I wish I had a nice camera, said Amber. Well digital cameras are expensive, said Kimmy. At least a good one is. Maybe if I start saving my allowence I can buy a used one some day. I suppose so, said Kimmy.

They took a few more pictures then Kimmy said that should be enough to show your girl friends. Okay, said Amber. Thanks for do that for me. Now lets get dressed then we can go downstairs to my office and print a copy of these pictures off for you. That would be fantastic, said Amber. They both got dressed then Kimmy printed off a couple copies of each picture she took of Amber and handed them to her then she gave her a drive home.

After Kimmy dropped off Amber at home she had to pass the topless bar on her way home so she stopped in for a drink. Well twice in one day, said Maggy. So how did it go with Amber? She was wonderful, said Kimmy. Such a sweet girl. Yes that she is and very pretty too, said Maggy. Yes, I took some pictures of her also. They turned out very good, said Kimmy. She is a natural in front of the camera. Really, I wouldn't of thought she was the type that would do good in front of a camera, said Maggy. Well I am going to email the pictures I took to Jenny and see what she thinks of her, said Kimmy. I am thinking she would be perfect for modeling her teen clothing line. Well that would be great for Amber. She isn't really that rich you know, said Maggy. She could use the extra money. Well if Jenny likes her pictures and books a photo session for her with me then she will be making a lot more than just a little extra money, said Kimmy. Really, how much does a teen model make? asked Maggy. They start at four hundred dollars and hour, said Kimmy. Holy shit, that is a lot of money, said Maggy. Yep, We pay the best for the best, said Kimmy. Now can I have another cocktail please like the one I had earlier please. Coming right up Kimmy, said Maggy.

The next day Amber went straight home from school. She went to her bedroom and took off her school uniform and put on some casual comfortable clothes. She look around her small bedroom and wished she had one like Kimmy has, but that is only a dream she figured. Then her father called and said that there was a delivery man here asking for you. Amber didn't order anything so she figured it must be a mistake. She went to the front door and there her father was standing talking to the delivery man. Hello, you have a delivery for me? asked Amber. Sure do, said the man. Two packages. Here is the smaller one and my guys are bringing in the big one now. But I didn't order anything, said Amber. Oh these are from someone that said you were very special and to deliver at this time exactly and set it up for you. Set what up? asked Amber. A vanity, said the man. A pretty good one too. Now be careful of that small package I gave you. It says fragile on it. So here they are now with the vanity, where do you want it set up. Well in my bedroom, said Amber but still I don't get it. Well do you know a Kimmy Mckenzie? the man asked. Because that is who bought it and had us delivery it. Kimmy Mckenzie, isn't that the famous photographer? asked Amber's father. Yep it sure is, said the man. Oh I almost forgot. She told me to give you this letter also. He handed her the envelope then they took the big box to Amber's room to set up the vanity. So open the envelope, said the father. Um okay, said Amber. She opened it up and it was an appointment for a photo shoot this Saturday morning at nine o'clock. A photo shoot, what kind of photo shoot? asked the father. It says for Jenny Teens Clothing Collection, said Amber. Jenny's collection. That is very expensive clothing, said the father. Ya I know, said Amber. What did you do yesterday for all of this to happen? asked the father. Not much, said Amber. I met Kimmy at the bar after school, we talked some then she brought me to her place and showed me around her huge house then she took some pictures of me then drove me home. Well there is some kind of magic happening around you right now my little girl. If you become a model for Jenny then you are going to be making a shit load of money. Really, said Amber. You better go see what is going on in your room. Wait until your mother gets home and hears what just happened. Amber ran to her room and saw the men had almost finished setting up the vanity that was the exact same one as in Kimmy's bebroom. So what was in the small package? asked the man. I haven't opened it yet, said Amber. Amber opened the box and inside was a bran new digital camera and flash unit. Wow girl that is some gift, said the man. That is a professional medium format digital camera. They cost a small fortune. You must of really impresses Kimmy for her to buy you that. Amber had tears in her eyes but saw there was a note in the box. She read it out loud. To my newest friend and soon to be the new teen top model. Enjoy this camera and take many pictures. The vanity I know you loved and now you are going to need it. It is signed Kimmy Mckenzie. Wow, you going to be famous, said the three men that had the vanity set up now. Another Starlight I bet. Nope not another Starlight, said Amber. A new me!

The End  


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