In Your Dreams Page 1


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 Kyla is a pretty brunette girl with lovely green eyes that recently turned twenty and is living alone in a small one bedroom appartment. When she was eighteen, she fell in love with a good looking man that was a few years older than her so they moved in together and were very happy for a while. Two years went by and all seemed great to Kyla but then her boyfriend started to drink too much and became more and more hard to get along with. One day they were having an argument and Kyla wanted him to stop drinking or else. Or else what he said then hit her and knocked her to the floor. Kyla had enough and while he was at work the next day she packed up her things and went to a friends place to stay while she looked for a new place to live. Her friends name is Tabitha that also lived alone but had a very good job and was best friend to Disa, a tattoo artist. Kyla was pretty well broke seeing her boyfriend supported her so Tabitha helped her find a small appartment and lent her the money to pay for it plus donated a small couch and bed plus a few other futnishings. Kyla had only a high school education so finding a good paying job was very hard so she had to settle for a low paying job at a fast food restraunt. It was Kyla's day off and when she woke up she decided to have a nice long bath and try to figure out how to improve her life. What she really want to be was a nurse but the tuition fees were way too much for her to every afford. Once she got out of the tub, she wrapped a towel around her then went into the living. She checked her cell phone to see if there were any messeges but there were none.

Kyla sat on the couch and saw the nail polish on the table so she decided to touch up her nails seeing she had nothing else to do. Her fingernails were fine seeing that they were fake nails but her toe nails needed a second coat. She painted each toe nail carefully making sure not to get any paint on the skin. She thought that she may be poor but that doesn't mean she can't look good. When done she looked down at all her toes. Perfect, said Kyla. Now I wish my life was perfect too.

Kyla put the polish back on the table then picked up her phone. Still no messages, she said to herself. Well let me see what Tabitha is doing. She is probably at work so better just leave her a text. "Hi Tabitha, what's up. It's my day off and I am bored. Text me back when you get off work". Okay now I wait for how long, who knows, said Kyla. Might as well have a nap. Kyla laid length wise on the small couch with her legs hanging off the end. Maybe I will have a nice dream she thought. She closed her eyes and soon she fell asleep.

Wake up sleepy head! What are you doing sleeping in the middle of the day? Kyla opened her eyes and saw Tabitha standing there looking hot as usual. Oh hi Tabitha, your not working today? asked Kyla. Nope, it is my day off too, said Tabitha. So get up and get dressed. You and I are going drinking, said Tabitha. My treat. Really? Where are we going? asked Kyla. To the bar we all went to when we were in high school silly, said Tabitha. It is a topless and barefoot bar now you know. Really, how cool, said Kyla. So lets go girl. Time is a wasting. I have  my credit card on me and we are going to have some fun, said Tabitha. Maggy still works there too. Okay give me a few minutes and I will put something on, said Kyla. Kyla got off the couch then headed to her bedroom. Make it sexy too, yelled Tabitha.

Kyla put on shorts and a shirt then tied it up at the front like all the girls did back at school. Then she came back out to the livingroom. Is this sexy enough for you? asked Kyla. Wow girl, you are looking hot! Kyla smiled. Hey how did you get in here while I was sleeping? asked Kyla. I know the door was locked. I have the spare key remember, said Tabitha. Kyla didn't remember there being a spare key but she paid for the appartment so she should have one. So lets go, said Tabitha. Okay let me grab my cell phone, said Kyla. Nope no phones, said Tabitha. We don't want anyone bothering us especially that ass hole of an ex-boy friend of yours. Ya right, said Kyka. Okay lets head out, said Kyla. They both headed for the door then Kyla slipped on her sandals. Hey did you drive here? asked Kyla. Nope, got a cab waiting outside, said Tabitha. Anymore questions? Nope all is good, said Kyla. They both left and headed down to the cab that was waiting for them.


They both reached the bar and Tabitha paid the cab driver, then they got out. Wow that was and expensive ride, said Kyla. Ya well he did stay and wait for us so that was nice of him, said Tabitha. Besides we are going to be waisted when we leave so better safe than sorry. Ya your right, said Kyla. Kyla followed Tabitha into the bar and there was Maggy the bartender with a big mug of beer in her hand plus topless. Hi Maggy, said Tabitha as they walked toward the bar. Looks like you are having fun. Yep, might as well, said Maggy. During the week on day shift it is dead in here until some of the students come in. Tabitha and Kyka sat down on a stool. So haven't seen you here for a while Kyla. Where have you been? asked Maggy. Oh it's a long story and requires a drink or two before I get into it, said Kyla. So the bar is topless now I see. Yep topless and barefoot, said Maggy. It is optional though. What can I get you two pretty girls. Well first take our tops and sandals and put them behind the bar for us then maybe a big glass of wine each, said Tabitha. Yes wine would be good, said Kyla. They both took off their tops and sandals then handed them to Maggy.


Maggy put the clothing in a box behind the bar then poured two tall glasses of wine for them. Here you go, your usual Tabitha, said Maggy. Oh so you come here  often, said Kyla. Yep, it is the hot spot in town, said Tabitha. I usually meet Disa here after she closes the shop. During the week. On week ends we go to the beach now. So how is Disa doing? asked Kyla. I haven't seen her in a while either. Oh she is doing great, said Tabitha. Ever since we both got screwed by a cute guy on the beach that just loved her tattoos we decided to keep going there. People are used to her now and don't think she is a rough chick anymore. We both made lots of new friends at the beach. She will be here later on. Ya she is a sweet heart once you get to know her, said Maggy. Okay you two drink up, I want to hear Kyla's story. They all said cheers and drank.

The three of them drank up as Tabitha told more details about the guy her and Disa met at the beach. When they where finished the first glass of wine, Kyla stood up and said okay I am ready to tell you about that guy. You mean that ass hole, said Tabitha. Ya, that ass hole is better, said Kyla. You know we we doing great for so long. I just don't understand why he started to drink so much. We had plenty of sex and we went out a lot visiting his friends. He started comming home late already drunk after work and was useless in bed. I didn't say anything for a long time but when he told me that I was just a useless girl with no ambition in life and didn't even keep the house clean I just had to say something. I did keep it very clean and even picked up his empty beer cans that he left all over the place. I told him if he didn't stop drinking so much I was going to leave him or something else like call my freinds. He got really mad and said I have no friends, just sluts that are low lifes. I figured it was useless talking to him so I turned to walk away but he grabbed my arm and punched me in the face then pushed me down onto the floor. He just laughed then went to the fridge and grabbed a beer then sat down watching TV. Holy fuck, said Maggy. That drunk punched you in the face! That is a cardinal sin in Granada. Well the next day I went to Tabitha's place and when she saw my face she took pictures of it then went to call the police. I stopped her though. Why would you stop her? asked Maggy. I was scared and thought that he would figure a way of getting out of being charged then come after me. Ya odd thing is most girls think the same way when they have been assulted, said Maggy. Um I think we will go over to that table, said Tabitha. Why don't you go over there then Maggy and I will will bring over the second round. Okay, said Kyla and she walked away. Don't worry Maggy. She is a Parson girl and the wheels are in motion, said Tabitha. Maggy smiled then started to pour the drinks.


Tabitha brought the two glasses of wine over to the table then gave one to Kyla that had her legs stretched out onto the other stool beside her. There you go roomy, said Tabitha, drink and enjoy. Thankyou Tabitha, but you know me living with you is just temporary. Oh I know that, said Tabitha but is good to have the company. Maggy walked over with her full mug of beer. Well you look comfortable, said Maggy. Ya, I always loved this bar, said Kyla. I used to sit in this exact spot all of the time. Ya I remember, said Maggy. The difference now is that there isn't another girl sitting there rubbing your feet. Kyla smiled. Ya those were the days, said Kyla. Well things haven't changed that much here, said Maggy. The school girls still sit at this table and have foot fun all the time. Difference is they can play with titties now too. I see why Tabitha calls this bar a hot spot, said Kyla. No other bar lets you do those things. Just then the door opened and someone walked in.

Hello Disa, How did things go today? asked Tabitha. Perfect, couldn't of been better, said Disa. So there you are Kyla, looking pretty and sexier than every. I missed seeing those pretty green eyes of yours but this is the first time I have seen your tits. Now I know why Tabitha hung out with you in school all the time. Thanks Disa. I missed you too. You look as hot as ever, said Kyla. Well I can't stay long, said Disa. I have a few more things to do today. But you three have fun, said Disa. Can I talk to you for a minute Maggy over there. Sure, said Maggy. They walked over to the bar out of ear shot of Kyla. Okay what's up? asked Maggy. I need you to keep Kyla here as long as possibile. Keep feeding her drinks. Get her good and drunk and have some fun with her. Okay but why? asked Maggy. Well I can't tell you here but check your cell phone and go to Granada's news website, said Disa. You will find out there. You best lock up after I leave too. I don't want anyone seeing her right now. Okay so this must be very important, said Maggy. Oh ya, said Disa. Biggest thing to happen for Granada in a very long time. Okay you two I have to go. Next time I will sit and drink with you two. Then Disa left. Maggy picked up her cell phone and went to the Granada website. "Oh My God", said Maggy out loud. Everything okay Maggy? asked Kyla. Yep, everything is perfect, said Maggy then she went and put a closed sign on the door and locked it.




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