In Your Dreams Page 3


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Tabitha got in the back of the limo first then Gus laid Kyla down along the back seat. Maggy got in the front with Gus then they headed off to Kyla's place. Are you sure we should take her home, asked Gus. People are looking for her and that will be the first place they will look. No one knows she lives there yet, said Tabitha. She just moved in. Oh okay, I hope you are right, said Gus. When they got to the appartment buildings front door, Maggy got out first to make sure there was no one around. Okay, all clear, said Maggy. Gus went around and picked Kyla up again then they all headed in. She lives on the second floor, said Tabitha. You okay with that Gus. Ya going to have to be, said Gus. Lets go fast though. I don't want to drop her on the stairs. When they got to Kyla's apparment, Tabitha opened the door with her spare key then they all went in. The bedroom is this way, said Tabithat and she ran in to put Kyla's clothes in there and get the bed ready. She is slipping, said Gus. I have to put her down now. Tabitha heard him and ran out. Put her on the couch for now, said Tabitha. Gus sat her down on the couch but when he took his hands away, Kyla slowly fell to her side and her head ended up on the arm of the chair. Maggy smiled. That looks like as good a spot for her as any, said Maggy. Ya I think you are right, said Tabitha. Lets turn her on her back and put the legs up to make her more comfortable. She will sleep through the night probably. Okay, thanks for your help Gus. Can you drop Tabitha home and me too. I want to what what happens on TV, said Maggy. Your wish is my command, said Gus and they all left but Tabitha made sure the door was locked.

In the morning, Kyla woke up startled then leaned up some. Crap, I must of dozed off, said Kyla. Well guess I needed the sleep. She then looked down at the towel wrapped around her. I am sure I put on my blue bath towel, she thought. She sat up and rubbed her face. Man that was some dream. So real. It feels like it really happened. She sat up and grabbed her cell phone and turned it on. What it is morning already? I slept the rest of the day away and all night too. What a waist of my day off. I should call Tabitha and tell her what happened in case she returned my text message. She check her messages and nearly dropped the phone. Two hundred and twelve messages! What the heck is going on?

Kyla went into her bedroom with her phone and saw her shorts and top laying on the bed. Why are they sitting out there she wondered. She put then back in the dresser then sat on the end of the bed. She was about to see what all the messages were about when someone knocked on her door. Now what, she wondered and went to answer it. Hello, who is it? asked Kyla through the door. It is me Tabitha, let me in please. Oh okay hang on. She opened the door and in came Tabitha all smiles. What are you so happy about? asked Kyla. Oh so you haven't heard yet, said Tabitha. Heard what? I just woke up afer having like eighteen hours sleep, said Kyla. You think you were asleep for that long? What makes you think that? asked Tabitha. Well after I had my shower yesterday I came in the livingroom and checked my messages and as usual there were none then I sent you a text to see what you were up to then I laid down for a bit to wait for you to reply. I must of fell asleep because here I am still in my bath towel. You know I was certain I used my blue towel. This has been a very strange morning so far. So what are you doing now? asked Tabitha. Well I was going to find something to wear but first something very odd is going on with my phone, said Kyla. Really? so what is going on with it. Well look, it says I have two hundred and twelve messages. Correction, two hundred and twenty eight now. I don't even have that many friends, at least not anymore. You have tons of friends girl. Lets sit and go through some of them together. I think you may be very pleased to see what they all want. Tabitha sat beside Kyla and got her to start looking at the text messages.


Okay so lets see what that one from Sparkle is about. Sparkle, what does she want. I barely know her. Just read it okay, said Tabitha. "Kyla, you are amazing. We are so proud of you. See you later at the bar." What the heck was that about? asked Kyla. Just read some more, said Tabitha. Here is another on from Amy, that says she is very proud of me and this one from Brita says the entire dance team is behind me. It's like they think I did something amazing, said Kyla. All I did was sleep and dream. So what did you dream about? asked Tabitha. Oh it was a real cool dream and so real like, said Kyla. I dreamed that you came over and took me too Maggy's bar to get drunk and it was a barefoot topless bar so we all were topless and then Maggy locked the door and we all got naked and had sex and drank lots of wine but Maggy was driking beer I think. Then I don't remember anything after that. Tabitha laughed. Ya because you passed out after having only two and half glasses of wine, said Tabitha. What it was real and not a dream? How is that possible. How did I get home then? asked Kyla. Well Maggy and I wrapped a towel around you because it was too hard to dress you then she had a cab friend of her's carry you to the limo and bring you home with us plus carry you up the stairs. What I was in a limo too? I have never been in a limo before. Well you have now, said Tabitha. Just not awake in one. Come on and get dressed we have to go back to Maggy's bar. Oh I don't feel like drinking, said Kyla. Besides it won't be open yet. We are not going there to drink, said Tabitha and it will be open for us. There are some people there waiting for you. Why, I don't get it, said Kyla. You will very soon my friend, said Tabitha with a smile and take your phone with you this time.


Once they got to the bar Tabitha told Kyla to go in first this time. Okay but I wish I knew why we are here, said Kyla. We have some news for you, said Tabitha. The others wouldn't let me tell you until they were are present. Hope it is good news, said Kyla. Oh it is very good news, said Tabitha. They went in and Kyla saw Maggy first holding a big mug of beer. Already drinking, said Tabitha. Not yet but now that you two are here I can start. Today is a special day, said Maggy. They are waiting for you at the table. I am locking up for the day.


The two of them walked over to the table and Kyla saw Kimmy and what looked like Sparkle sitting at the table. Hi Kimmy, is that Sparkle sitting with you? asked Kyla. It sure is, said Kimmy. Isn't she a cutie. Wow you have turned into such a pretty young woman, said Kyla. I remember you when you were a just a kid in grade school. No boobs and short hair. Well thankyou Kyla. Got boobs now and the hair I just let grow, said Sparkle. So what is this all about? asked Kyla. Tabitha wouldn't tell me anything. Well she can tell you now, said Kimmy. You better sit down because there are a few things we need to tell you, said Kimmy. Maggy grabbed one of the stools for Kyla to sit on. Give me your sandals, said Maggy. Might as well stick to the rules of the bar. They both smiled and gave Maggy their sandals then Kyla sat on the stool and Tabitha sat up on the table. Maggy then went to Kimmy and gave her the keys to the bar. I have to got meet Disa and help her set up so close up for me okay. No problem, said Kimmy. We won't be too long here, said Kimmy.

Okay what do you all have to tell me that is so important? asked Kyla. Well it is about that ex-boyfriend of yours Jake. Oh what about that ass, asked Kyla. Well he is in jail now, said Tabitha. What, how, when did this happen? asked Kyla. Well yesterday was the trial and it was here in Granada but more important, it was televised. His trial was on TV? what did he do, kill someone? asked Kyla. Well no but he may of over time, said Tabitha. You see when I showed Disa the pictures I took of your face and arm when you first came to my place, she went crazy mad and was going to go over to his place and beat the shit out of him with a couple of her biker friends. I stopped her though because that would put her in jail. Okay that makes sense. I am glad you stopped her, said Kyla. Now we came up with a plan seeing that Disa knows tons of people here in Granada. She has given tattooes to many wealthy and famous people here but mostly girls. She got on her cell phone and began to call everyone and that started a chain reaction of events with not just the Parson girls but just about all the girls in Granada. Word got out to everyone that Jake was a girl beater and to watch out for him. Disa had one of her biker friends keep a distant eye on him in the evenings when he was home from work. Okay so what happened that made him get arrested? asked Kyla. Well in a few days the biker saw Jake leaving his house looking drunk and got into his car. He followed him to a local strip bar so he went in after he did and sat on the other side of the room to see what was going to happen. Well soon a stripper came up to Jake and asked if he wanted a lap dance. Jake said he wanted a blow job right now. The stripper got mad at him and went to slap his face but Jake grabbed her arm and wouldn't let go. The biker immediately called the cops and told them his name. It seems that the cops have heard about him too because three cop cars showed up in less than two minutes and when they came in Jake was just about to punch the stripper in the face. The cops grabbed him and threw him on the floor then cuffed him. When the biker came back and told Disa what had happened. Disa imediately got on the phone to Mrs. Parson seeing she was the chair person of the womans rights organization. In turn she call the police station and told them not let him out of jail until his trial date came up. Wholely crap. Disa must be very powerful in Granada, said Kyla. No, she just is good friends with all the powerful people, said Tabitha. The trial date was expedited quickly and in one week it started with a jury and everything. Now Kimmy has all the details about what happened after her was found guilty and you are going to like what she is going to tell you.

Tabitha got off the table and sat on the stool beside Sparkle and Kimmy sat on the table in front of Kyla. Okay, now for the good part, said Kimmy. On the day of the trial hundreds of people were gathered outside of the court house. So many that they set up a big screen outside with speakers so those that couldn't get in could watch on this big screen. Wow, this sounds something like that football players trial, said Kyla. Oh it is better than that. He was found not guilty in that long drawn out trial, said Kimmy. Now when the trial started and the jury came out that was made up of an even number of men and women everyone stood up as the judge came out. Now the top judge in Granada is a man so everyone was worried that things might go south. Thing is when he took a seat and looked out at the full house of very infuencial people sitting in the court room plus a TV camera, he must of figured he best do this right or his job will be over in Granada. Me and my parrents were there, said Sparkle. It was the first time I was ever in a court room. They need softer seats in there though. Yes Sparkle, we will work on that next for you, said Kimmy with a smile. So what happened during the trial? asked Kyla. Well there were three prosectuting lawlers there, are hired by none other than the Parson family. Jake had one defense lawler that looked like he just got out of law school. The three things that made the big difference in this trial were first the pictures that Tabitha took that were time stamped. Next was all the neighbours wives that witnessed and heard Jakes behaviour most every evening. And last the stripper even came and testified against him saying she thought her life was in danger and he was uttering death threats to her. So how come I wasn't called to the stand as a withness? asked Kyla. Oh the defense lawyer tried but he was told that you were being protected from the media and was not going to appear at this trial for any reasons, said Kimmy. Now after all was done and the jury went in to make there verdict that took about two hours, everyone in the court room started singing "Another Bit The Dust" by Queen. Ya that was awesome, said Sparkle. We sang other cool jail house songs too. Kyla started to laugh. You are still as nutty as I remember you being, said Kyla. Yep and I will never change, said Sparkle. Okay now when the jury came back out and everyone was standing, they anounced that Jake was guilty of two counts of assult and one count of attepemt of murder. Everyone in and out of the court room cheered and the judge had to wait for everyone to calm down. He left the court room with the three prosecuting lawyers and in one hour they came out with the sentencing. Okay what did he get so I know how long I will be safe. Kimmy smiled. You never have to worry about him again, said Kimmy. He was sentenced to ten years in a Texas prison with no chance of parrole. Also he is never to step foot in Granada again or he will immediately brought back to prison. All this assets were siezed including his house and everything inside it. Now that is where Sparkle takes over with her end of the news. Yes I have been watching Sparkle keeping that book very close to her, said Tabitha. It is a new diary that I bought for Kyla but there is some other very important papers in there for her to see, said Sparkle. Your going to have to lock up Tabitha. I forgot to tell Maggy I had one more thing to take care of. Kimmy tossed Tabitha the keys then left.


Tabitha went and locked the door behind Kimmy as Sparkle got up on the table. Finally, it is my turn, said Sparkle. Now you don't need to open the diary just yet. Wait until you get home because there are some papers you have to sign and mail. She handed Kyla the diary. So what's in it? asked Kyla. Well first and most important, there are your acceptance papers into the the Eastwood colledge, said Sparkle. Um I didn't apply to go to colledge yet, said Kyla. I know but my mom did it for you a week ago. I told her that you always wanted to be a nurse, at least that is what everyone told me. You even used to dress up like a nurse at school sometimes. Ya I did. Everyone liked that and sometimes I played nurse with some of the girls. That was fun, said Kyla. I bet it was, said Sparkle. You can play nurse with me anytime. Now you don't have to pay for anything. The womans club is sponsering you seeing that Granada has a shortage of nurses. All you have to do is sign the papers and mail them to the colledge. It is a four year coarse so you will be busy for some time. Now next is a real cool part too. Seeing the house that Jake owned got seized, my dad bought it and all of the furishings. He then signed the deed over to you. All you have to do is sign the deed then register the property online. Wow, so that big house is mine now? asked Kyla. Yep it sure is. Nurses in Granada get treated very nicely plus I did have a bit to do with persuading him. Daddy usually does what I ask him. Anything else I should know about in this little book? asked Kyla. Ya just one more little thing, said Sparkle. When news got out about what happened to you I got together with a bunch of girls at school and we started a help fund for you so that you could get back on your feet. It is not that much but I added five hundred to it for you. Most of the girls at school don't have a lot of money like me. There is a check for a bit over two thousand dollars. Even the teachers helped out some. That is amazing, said Kyla then put the diary on the stool and gave Sparkle a big hug. Thankyou so much Sparkle. You have such a big heart, said Kyla. Well us Parson girls take good care of each other Kyla. Always remember that. Kimmy and Disa are Parson girls and so are many other well off girls in Granada like Starlight and Jenny. The list goes on. So lets get out of here and head out to the beach where everyone is waiting for us. The beach, but I have to go to work soon. Are you kidding, said Sparkle. You don't need that job anymore, especially when you see what Kimmy has for you. What another surprise? asked Kyla. Yep, doesn't being with friends make for a very nice day, said Sparkle. It sure does, said Kyla. They all left after grabbing their sandals then jumped in Tabitha's car.


 Once they got to Westside Beach they all got out of the car and Tabitha went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. Leave the sandals and that diary in here, said Tabitha. It will be safe in here. Ya there is nothing in that diary anyone else can use, said Sparkle. They then headed out to the beach area. Where are they going to be? asked Kyla. In my favourite spot, said Sparkle. Nice and private for the most part. They all walked together and saw pleanty of nude people and most of them waved at Kyla. See everyone loves you now, said Tabitha. Look there they are, said Sparkle.They ran over and stood on the big beach blanket. Kimmy and Disa were already naked and were sitting down. We are here, said Sparkle. In did my thing and all is set in motion. Where is Maggy? asked Tabitha. Oh she had to get back to the bar. Being closed for two days in a row is bad for buisness, said Kimmy. But I have the keys, said Tabitha. She has more than one set of keys dear, said Kimmy. Now get those clothes off and lets get this party started. Put them in the bag behind me. They all got undressed fast then sat down with Disa and Kimmy.


Okay, pass me one of them bottles of champagne Kimmy. Okay but before we start drinking I want to tell Kyla one more thing that she will find surprising and good, said Kimmy. What something else, said Kyla. Yes, this is the last one though, I promiss, said Kimmy. Now after Jake got arrested and everyone knew about him and his crimes against Kyla, I had a little donation page set up on the Granada web page. I had them add some text telling the brief story about Kyla and her having to live with an abusive man and asked for small donations to help her get back on her feet. Cool so how did it do, asked Sparkle. Well I checked it today after leaving the bar and it was at a little over twelve thousand dollars. Wow, said Kyla, that much. Well I was going to get them to shut it down and cash out but I noticed that donations were still coming in and pretty fast too. So I left it up for another day to see what it ends up as. Donations were coming in from all over Granada. Who knows how much it will end up being but you will be all set for quite a while by the looks of things. I can't believe that everyone is doing this for me, said Kyla. This must be a dream. Well if it is a dream then lets all drink and have some fun before you wake up, said Disa. They all laughed as Kimmy handed the bottle to Disa and popped open the top. So where are the glasses, asked Sparkle. No glasses girl. Just wrap your lips arround the top like you are sucking a dick and suck in, said Disa. Sparkle smiled, Okay but Kyla goes first. It is a party for her, said Sparkle. Yes it is, said Desi and she handed Kyla the bottle. Okay, here is to all my amazing friends I didn't realise I had and may the good times keep on coming. Then she took a big swig from the bottle. Not a bad toast, said Kimmy. I am going to have to remeber that one. Kyla passed the bottle to Tabitha and it made the rounds until the first bottle was empty. Then Sparkle laid down on her back between everyone. Okay play with me first, said Sparkle. I am the youngest. They all looked at each other and smiled.

The End



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