In Your Dreams Page 2


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Did you just lock the door? asked Tabitha. Yep, I don't feel like working today and the beer is going down good so lets have some fun instead, said Maggy. Okay but what will the owner say if he finds out? asked Tabitha. I am the owner. I bought the place a little while ago, said Maggy. Took years of saving but I finally did it. Good for you girl. Best to have a pretty girl owning a barefoot topless bar anyways, said Kyla. So Kyla what were you saying about the good old days? asked Maggy. Oh we used to have foot fun in the bar back when I was in school. Well we still can and lots more now with the door locked. Maggy lifted Kyla's legs and sat on the stool then placed her feet on her lap. Nice feet and toes, said Maggy. Looks like they need some tender loving care. Maggy started to rub Kyla's feet. This is awesome, said Kyla. Just like the good old days. Yep and not that old, said Maggy. Now drink up. There is plenty more where that came from. Tabitha figured the news Maggy got was very good and it was time to start plan two. Keep Kyla out of sight and occupied.

Maggy then lifted Kyla's left leg up and began to lick and suck on Kyla's toes. Hey I want to get into the action, said Tabitha. She went over and put her glass down on the table then grabbed Kyla's other foot and began to suck on her toes. This is awesome, said Kyla. It's been a while since this has happened to me. Um I think I am starting to get drunk. That is okay, said Tabitha. That was the plan remember. Oh ya, go to the bar and get drunk, said Kyla. Maybe we should get rid of the shorts and get up on the table and really get busy, said Tabitha. Well if it is okay with Maggy, said Kyla. Yep go for it, said Maggy. Just finish your wine first. Both Tabitha and Kyla drank down the rest of their wine then took off their shorts.

Okay Kyla, get up on the table and lay on your back over here, said Tabitha. I'll go refill the glasses, said Maggy. Kyla was on her back then Tabitha pushed her legs up and started licking Kyla's clit. Maggy came back with the drinks and put them on the table. Okay all refilled, said Maggy. They are over here out of the way for now. Okay good, said Tabitha but get your shorts off. You can have some fun with us too you know. Okay, said Maggy. I thought you would never ask.

Come on over here Maggy. Your turn to lick Kyla's pussy, said Tabitha. I'm getting up on the table and giving Kyla something to do. Maggy walked over then grabbed either side of Kyla's butt then bent down and started licking her pussy. Once Tabitha was on the table she squatted over Kyla's face. Here you go roomy, get that tongue of yours working on my pussy. I will be moving out soon you know, said Kyla. Yes I know, said Tabitha. You already told me that. Oh ya, I forgot, said Kyla. Then she started licking Tabitha's pussy.

In a bit Kyla stopped licking Tabitha's pussy and started licking her own lips. My mouth and lips are dry, said Klya. I need a drink. Good idea, said Tabitha. We should all take a break and have a drink. What do you think Maggy. Yep I am game, said Maggy. Tabitha had to help Kyla sit up then she got behind her and got the two glasses of wine. Here you go Kyla. Wet that whistle of yours. Oh I can't whistle that good. Could never figure out how to do that with two fingers in my mouth. I just get slobber all over me. Maggy laughed. Ya that is a bit tricky but it takes practice.  Maggy went and got her beer then came back in front of Kyla. Okay cheers to the Parson girls, said Maggy. Ya Parson girls, said Kyla. That's right, I am a Parson girl. How did I ever let myself get in the position I am in now. Love dear,that is what blinded you, said Maggy. Love has a way of changing a person and not always in a good way. Well I am not in love anymore, said Kyla. Well except I do love you Tabitha and you Maggy and Disa too plus my cell phone but it don't love me because it doesn't give me messages anymore. Both Tabitha and Megan laughed. Yep you definately have a good buzz going on, said Maggy. Yep but today I am happy, said Kyla then took a big drink. There will be happy days coming, said Tabitha. Just have faith. Ya I hope so, said Kyla. No offense but I don't like that little appartment much. Ya I know but, said Tabitha. Just then a loud knock came at the door.

Maggy went to see who was at the door. She put her beer on the bar then peeked through the blindes. Kimmy? I wonder what she wants. She opened the door and let her in then locked it behind her. Kimmy slipped off her sandals then walked in a bit. You didn't have to take off your sandals, said Maggy. Well it is a barefoot bar, said Kimmy. Ya topless too now, said Maggy. Cool but it looks like a nude bar right now, said Kimmy. Ya, Disa told me to keep Kyla occupied and the bar locked up, said Maggy. Good, so how is she doing? asked Kimmy. Just fine and getting drunker by the minute, said Maggy with a smile. Perfect, said Kimmy. So I guess you haven't heard anything about the trial yet. No, how is it going? asked Maggy. It is over and we won, said Kimmy. We are just waiting for the sentencing. Awesome, hope the asshole gets life, said Maggy. Well he didn't kill anyone so he won't get life but we just have to wait to find out, said Kimmy. Disa is out doing her thing and I have a couple of things to take care of still. You going to be okay with her and be able to get her home later? Ya I will call my friend that owns a cab company to help us out. Good, so can I go see her. She looks pretty waisted from here, said Kimmy. Sure come and talk to her. She is such a sweet and pretty girl. Check out her eyes. Lovely green colour but might be red now. Kimmy smiled and walked over with Maggy to see Kyla.

Wow, are you ever pretty, said Kyla. Nice hair too. Well thankyou Kyla. Your very pretty too, said Kimmy. I like pretty girls you know. So does my friend Tabitha behind me, said Kyla. Yes I know Tabitha also. Disa introduced me to her a while back. Oh you know Disa also. She is very pretty also. Yes and a very smart woman too, said Kimmy. Kyla looked down at Kimmy's feet. Wow you have long toes. I bet Maggy would love to suck on them like she did with mine, said Kyla. Well as a matter of fact she has sucked on them a little while ago, said Kimmy. Oh I should of guessed. What is your name beautiftul, asked Kyla. My name is Kimmy and it is very nice to finally meet Tabitha's good friend. Ya I was in a bad relationship for a while but I am free and okay now, said Kyla. Tabitha lent me the money to rent an apartment so things are better. Well glad to here that, said Kimmy. Us Parson girls take good care of each other. Oh you went to Parson High also? asked Kimmy. Yes I did and so did Disa and many other girls I know. Cool, power to the Parson girls then, said Kyla and she spilt a bit of her wine. Oops sorry Maggy, I will clean that up. Don't worry about it, said Maggy. This floor has seen lots of spills over the years. Well I have to go and get a few more things done so take care all and be good, said Kimmy. Maggy and Kimmy walked to the front again. It won't be long until she is out of it so I would get that cab guy you know on standby, said Kimmy. Just make sure he doesn't say anything to anyone about Kyla. We don't need reporters all over her tonight. Okay I will, said Maggy. Kimmy slipped her sandals back on then left.


Maggy got her cell phone and called the guy she knew with the cab company and got him to come and wait for them outside of the bar. She went back to the table just as Kyla finished her glass of wine. Here ya go Maggy. I think I have had enough, said Kyla. Got to work tomorrow afternoon so better stop now. Besides I and feeling pretty buzzed right now. Maggy took the glass and put it on the bar. You know that Kimmy girl seemed really nice, said Kyla. Seemed liked she had lots to do though. Ya Kimmy is quite the girl, said Maggy. She is a world famous photographer and owns a big studio. Really, world famous. That must be nice and she came her to talk to you and me. Yep, Kimmy is my friend and now your friend. You haven't seen the last of her, said Maggy. Is it alright if I just lay back a bit on the table and relax? asked Kyla. I am feeling kinda tired. Sure can, said Tabitha. Let me go sit on a stool and finish my wine then we will get ready to get you home. Tabitha moved and Kyla laid back on the table. Thats better, said Kyla. Man I feel drunk. Guess I can drink like I used to. What do you mean. You never were a big drinker, said Tabitha. Two beer got you drunk when we we still going to school, said Tabitha. I am surprised you drank three big glasses of wine. Two and a half, said Kyla. Remember I spilt some.   


Tabitha sat and drank her wine while talking to Maggy. Well that finishes my glass, said Tabitha. I guess you should call a cab for us. All ready done, said Maggy. He should be outside waiting for us. They looked at Kyla and she was now flat on her back with her eyes closed. Um I think she is asleep, said Tabitha. Lets see, said Maggy. She grabbed Kyla's foot and used her finger to tickle the sole. No reaction, yep she is out like a light, said Maggy. Crap so how are we going to get her dressed and out of here, asked Tabitha. Well lets get dressed then I will grab a blanket from the back room to cover her, said Maggy. Then I will get my friend to carry her to the limo. A limo! really, we are going in a limo? asked Tabitha. Yep, us Parson girls travel in style, said Maggy with a big smile.


Maggy went and opened the door then waved the driver in. Hi Gus, we need you to carry her to the limo. She is out cold, said Maggy. Okay no problem, said Gus. He went over to the table and carefully picked Kyla up. Such a pretty girl, said Gus. How could anyone hit a girl that looks like this? The guy became a drunk, said Maggy. Ya I was watching the trial on TV, said Gus. The neighbors witnessed lots of bad behavour from him. Yelling and breaking things. Drinking does change you. So has he been sentenced yet? asked Maggy. Well the news is yes but arrangements are being made first before it is announced, said Gus. Okay lets go, she may be pretty but not exactly light. Okay you grab her clothes out of the box Tabitha and lets head out.




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